Archive for the 'Literature' Category

Good News – For a Change!

Good News from Remote Arugam Bay!

Full Information about

1.) Health matters (Covid -19)
2.) New Books published (in English and German about AbaY)
3.) Weather and Surf reports
4.) Security updates (Military and civil)
5.) Tourist Visa is FREE again for most Nationals!

Full Details will be publish here within the next few days


Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

Awarded for the 1983 account of life in Arugam Bay, Eastern Sri Lanka

Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

German author Frau Claudia ACKERMANN, hasA?won the Novel Prize in LiteratureA?for “having created new and deep insights” into events of 1983 in Sri Lanka. Written in graceful, impressive literaryA?style by anA?impartial, foreign tourist & traveler during the long running conflict of this paradise island. Social Media, Facebook and A?Twitter is going off at the news. The prize winning travel novel is set in remote Arugam Bay, in the 1980’s.

Author and Laureate’s’s own Web site

Some people, critics and fans alike, are thrilled at the news that the “greatest living author of our time” has won the esteemed award.A?Sarai Dumminus, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, called Frau ACKERMANN a great author in the German speaking tradition” before adding that “for many years now she’s been at it reinventing herself, constantly creating a new identity.” Other fans called her a “master” while one fan said that they are “Not so surprise[d]. She is a great contemporary writer of our time.”


Novel Prize 2016 for Peace & Music

Novel Prize Winner Laureate Chris Sherpa

Meanwhile, the Nobel Prize for peaceful Music A?(NPPM) has been awarded to CHRIS SHERPA. An Australian Songwriter and Musician. For his outstanding composition of the “Arugam Bay” Song. He is the “first Nobel Laureate since George Bernhard Shaw to have been awarded both a #Novel Prize and an Oscar.” President Obama also seems happy about the choice and took to Twitter to congratulate Chris , “Together with Jock Johnson Chris is one of my favorite Surf Composers.” Check out the only known unplugged version of this awesome song. Performed LIVE at AbaY below:
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Chris Scherpa & THE PLONK Bio:

The music of Chris Scherpa is melodic without baby baby schmalz, dirty without being sloppy, the music and lyrics dig deep but stay light and groovy. The songs tell stories. Acoustic sound with punch!
Order acivir injection For his songs the songwriter Chris Scherpa uses influences ranging from folk to funk, alternative rock, reggae, blues and even hip hop. Very notable is Chris Scherpa’s special style of acoustic guitar playing – sometimes sounding like 2 guys at once.

Sherpa @ Aragum Bay, 2014 (DPA A?file photo)

Go Here


Leseprobe: Der Krokodilfelsen

This article was first published 4th June, 2006
It’s an extract from a Travel Novel of events set in Arugam Bay. The recently deceased “Ram” of Sooriya’s plays a huge role in this great Book. Sadly only in German.

Claudia Ackermann

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Like in the Novel. Is it all Real?

Ich erreichte den Mitternachts-Express gerade noch rechtzeitig, suchte mir einen Platz und sah aus dem Fenster. Ein Tourist drA?A?ngte sich A?A?ber den Busbahnhof. Er kam nur langsam vorwA?A?rts, denn auA?A?er seiner Reisetasche trug er noch ein groA?A?es Surfbord unter dem Arm. RA?A?cksichtslos schob er damit die Passanten zur Seite, die ihm im Weg waren. In letzter Sekunde erreichte er den Bus, aber da schon fast alle PlA?A?tze besetzt waren und im Mittelgang Taschen und KA?A?rbe standen, weigerte sich der Fahrer, ihn mit seinem riesigen GepA?A?ckstA?A?ck einsteigen zu lassen. Der Surfer stellte einen FuA?A? in die TA?A?r, die Spitze seines Bords ragte bereits ins Innere des Busses. Aggressiv und drohend redete er auf den Fahrer ein, und an seinem Akzent erkannte ich, dass er Australier war. Er war groA?A?, bestimmt einen Kopf grA?A?A?A?er als der Fahrer. Sein KA?A?rper war muskulA?A?s und durchtrainiert, aber der Busfahrer, ein schmA?A?chtiger, hagerer Mann, lieA?A? sich davon nicht beeindrucken. Um so lauter der Australier sprach, desto sturer wurde sein GegenA?A?ber.
A?a??A?Das Brett braucht so viel Platz, wie zwei MA?A?nner”, behauptete der Busfahrer. A?a??A?Du musst drei Tickets kaufen.”
Nach langer Diskussion, die die FahrgA?A?ste interessiert verfolgten, entschloss sich der Australier schlieA?A?lich, den Preis zu bezahlen. Schimpfend wuchtete er sein Surfbrett in den Bus und kam direkt auf mich zu, denn neben mir war noch ein Platz frei. Continue reading ‘Leseprobe: Der Krokodilfelsen’

The Year of the Surf Dragon

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It’s going to be an exiting one!

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We predict that a huge Energy will unfold during this powerful Year

And we are back! On Facebook!

Done! Super Happy ARUGAM !

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We managed to resurrect our popular Facebook page “Arugam Surf”.
Which was knocked off the net exactly 2 months ago.

Arugam Surf
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Please join, participate, submit YOUR photos, videos. Let’s make this page even more popular.
Please understand that we had to add additional security features to avoid access to our hacker ‘friends’ in future.


Beach Bar Quotes Arugam Bay

Quotes from anA?Arugam Bay Beach Bar

“We are perceivers. The world that we perceive, though, is an illusion.a??

a??Cast aside all clinging and the essence will at once emerge.a??

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A menu with a difference @ The SVH, Arugam Bay

a??Even if only in your imagination, it is still good to escape the sadness of everyday life and spend some time in another world.a??

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a??What the caterpillar calls the end of the world. One should see as a new butterfly.a??

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Hideaway in Arugam Bay, Lahugala, 1st Century Monastery south of Panama

(extract quotes) ……Hideaway in Arugam Bay for the best rice and curry I have had in a very long time – very fresh, very hot. Purchase premarin no prescription

K: Kudumbigala monastery near Arugam Bay Cheap aldactone side /Panama-a fantastic setting for a 1stA?century BC site

Lahugala in April with millions of butterflies…..

Together on and off stage
By Smriti Daniel
Ranmali and Kumar have known each other since they were 16 a?? they first met on the set of Richard de Zoysa’s and Rajiva Wijesinhaa??s dual productions of a??Romeo & Juliet’.They shared the stage again for several plays, including Steve de la Zilwaa??s a??Accidental Death of an Anarchista??. a??I suppose you can say we a??meta?? on stage and the drama continues!a?? says Ranmali, of their 18-year marriage.

Unfortunately, acting hasna??t been a priority of late. As Manager Programme Delivery, Ranmali is responsible for all the arts related programmes the British Council delivers in Sri Lanka. An integral part of the team that createdA?, she is also working on several new projects that will nurture and showcase young Sri Lankan artistes. Continue reading ‘Hideaway in Arugam Bay, Lahugala, 1st Century Monastery south of Panama’

Cerveceria Modelo to invest in Arugam Bay

Top selling Mexican beers to be produced in Eastern Sri Lanka
(CORONA is slightly less popular since end 2019)


Corona (Corona Extra) is a brand of pale lager owned and produced by Cerveceria Modelo in Mexico. It is the top-selling beer in Mexico and is one of the top selling beers worldwide.[2] Corona beer is available in over 150 countries. All  Corona beer is brewed and bottled in one of 7 Modelo Breweries in Mexico.
So far, pre 2019…

Corona Extra. The Mexican top selling beer

Outside of Mexico, Corona is to be slightly renamed and will be produced in a new brewery to be constructed at Arugam Bay. A world famous Surf spot and upcoming tourist resort situated in the deep South East of remote Sri Lanka.

To distinguish the new Sri Lanka Export product from the original Mexican label, and in recognition and celebration of local achievements following the end of the long ongoing conflict in Sri Lanka, the following brand name has been proposed:

Caruna Extra. Export to Asian markets only

For this purpose the Mexican global leaders have teamed up with the award winning, but widely unknown Arugam Bay Surfer’s Beer label under an agreement with the Sri Lanka Government and its Board of Investment Authority.

Cerveceria Modelo’s chairman Senioria Condolenzza Gogonzola stated that the Company has welcomed branching out to new markets in the East.
Corona is a traditional Cult Beer favored by young, active people and is popular with modern party people.
As world economies are shifting to India, China and Russia it makes no longer sense to ship containers of beer half way around the globe. Continue reading ‘Cerveceria Modelo to invest in Arugam Bay’


Arugambay: A photographer’s dream location

Three nice photos by Aragon
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From Arugam Bay in Sri Lanka. The full eclipse was in India, the most complete eclipse in over 100 years happened in India.

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East coast of Sri Lanka in a surfing spot in Arugam Bay called Pottuvil Point. This place is where I have seen one of the most beautiful spots to watch the sunset.

In Arugam Bay East coast oof Sri Lanka, this beach is called Panama beach, good for surfing and beautiful sunsets.

How the world knew Arugam Bay.

— Majority of the world, especially the West got to know about Arugam Bay, only after the 2004 tsunami.

Arugam Bay 'City' Centre and view to Main Surf Point

There was a moving episode on America’s most-popular talk show, theA?Oprah Winfrey Show where a tsunami survivorA?Nate Berkus was interviewed. The Chicago-based interior designer Nate Berkus related his story on television about his vacation going awry. He was relaxing at a beach cottage in Arugam Bay with his partner photographerA?Fernando Bengoechea, when the deadly tsunami struck. Even though Nate was spared, unfortunately, Fernando’s life wasn’t. Continue reading ‘How the world knew Arugam Bay.’


A true Paradise on Earth. Just 10m South of Arugambay

The Panama beach itself was a paradise on earth.

Unspoiled Panama beach

The sand dunes stretching along the beach made us stop our jeep and walk a short distance to the turquoise sea beach which stretched endlessly without a single sign of habitation.
A typical Robinson Crusoe atmosphere.
The pink rocks of Panama stood out at the far end of the beach.
The evening sunlight made them glow pinker.

Panama Point. Looking North to Arugam Bay

Here too were monkeys running up and down.
The beach was covered with exquisite marine plant life. It suddenly dawned on us that this may be one of the only beaches left untouched by civilization and pollution.
We were mindful not to tread on the plants or drive over them in our jeep.

Untouched Panama. A true Paradise

This beach with its abundant plant life must be saved for people to see and admire.
It should not meet the fate of the Nilaveli or Passikudah.

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Badly polluted Passekudah Beach area

We remembered the native American saying:
a??We did not inherit the earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children!a??

(The above is a highlighted , illustrated A?extract from the previous post / traveler’s report) Buy tamoxifen canada