Archive for the '1st April' Category

“ASQ” in AbaY ! – From 1st. April

2021 High Season, Arugam Bay!

Hello Yellow Again!
“Safe & Secure”

In order to revive the badly damaged tourist industry wise authorities have announced sweeping plans to assist all Tourist Board approved  enterprises.

Just in time for the East Coast Main Season, as from the 1st. April the entire Arugam Bay area has been declared to be a designated Tourist Quarantine Bubble. Also known as ASQ.

Below is a summary of the main innovations and concessions:

  1. Tourists must land at designated Mattala Rajapaksa Airport
    It’s just just 2 hours from AbaY
  2. No stops allowed on route to AbaY
    It’s just just 2 hours from AbaY
  3. The Military will re-establish the Old Bridge Control Point
    a. Between the Muslim town of PottuVille and AbaY
    b. The only way in or out of our remote resort = Safe & Secure!
  4. All passengers will be tested and checked in at this point
    a. PHI – Public Health inspectors from PottuVille will attend
    b. PHI – PS| They done an outstanding, excellent job in this area. Not one single C-19 case here!
    c. If negative: FREE entry to the AbaY region will be granted
  5. Tourists are then welcome to stay in ANY establishment in the Bay
  6. Tourists and surfers can freely move around and socialize at any time
  7. No Masks or Muzzles requirement will be enforced
    = As this realistically can not be monitored in a Surf, Fishing and Farming  Community anyhow
  8. To boost Tourism even further
    a. Liquor Licenses will be issued automatically. Free of charge
    b. Duty free shops will be opened in the Bay itself. Unlimited purchases for foreigners!
    c. Parties and events will be allowed at all times. No permits required
    d. Visas are offered to all suitable and interested  surfers and Visitors until end 2021
    e. Special Seasonal East Coast Beer will be supplied. At discount prices.
    f. To create worldwide attention and act as FREE a global promotion:
    g. The Old CORONA is Out – Caruna Extra  is Inn !
    see link below

    Traditional East Coast Beer

    New Non Lion Beer launched just for Arugam Bay (2010)

A small technical irritation needs to be resolved.
That is what to do when visitors eventually – if or when after a year or so – they decide to leave glorious Arugam Bay?
Departing back to their homeland, once tested negative (for C-19..;-) presents no issues.
But what to do if they wish to remain in Sri Lanka, or are Nationals of this amazing Nation:
A quarantine period of 14 days in …Colombia might be unavoidable 😉

FREE nVIP Bus Service Launched

Good News!
Caring GOSL has launched an improved “Deep Blue Line” bus service.
Island Wide!
FREE – Complimentary Service
In order to cope with expected increased demand
In COVID-19 Curfew weeks

nVIP Bus Service


Features include:
1.) Regular Service
09:00:   Arrives sharp on time
15:00:    Return to Places of Residency

2.) High Security
Skilled Driver
Up to 9 Conductors

3.) Gender Separation
Ladies are in separate compartments
To be protected from unwanted  male advances
Female Conductoresses are also present at all times

4.) Designated Routes
Usually terminates at well known local landmarks
Such as Correction facilities
And Courts of Justice

5.) A totally FREE Service
No tickets will be issued
Some trips may be postpaid


6.) Smart uniforms

All staff easily identified by a neat brown livery
Unlike to unregulated dress code of private operators

7.) Local – Feeder Services
Can be arranged in smaller, also Deep Blue Vehicles
Usually a Tata Jeep
Or Pick Up Truck

Feeder Jeep

 8.) Mini Bus Services
The White Van / Mini Bus Services have been discontinued herewith

9.) Security
Is fairly guaranteed

10.) No stops en route
Direct Services!
Fast, swift transfers are guaranteed

The public is advised to remain at Home.
In order not to overload this generous, complimentary Bus Service
Stay Safe!

nV.I.P. = not Very Important Person

Arugam’s Ganja Monkies nabbed

(Archive. 1st published 31/03/2011)
After the end of the war, long existing laws are now strictly enforced at remote Arugam Bay.

The East Coast has been largely left alone.
For many years.
With still no wine or liquor store for miles around and the odd shortage of “Gold Leaf” some desperate residents and visitors turned to natural marihuana consumption.A? Sadly, tame as well as some wild monkeys also got the taste and enjoyed the weird feeling.

Arugam Bay Special Narcotics squad arrested 4 addicts last night

“BiXXbo & Co.” Shown here in the local Police lock-up.
Arugam Bay

Sadly, many more seem to be addicted to this illegal practice.
But they are still on the run.

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Spotted at AbaY’s traditional Full Moon Party. Nov. 2010, Peanus Fm.

Cheeky! Openly flaunting the law of the Land!

Shocking! He is not even one year old. And already addicted.

The WHO, the RSPCA and other ENJOY’s have been requested to assist.
To support Arugam’s “Community Based Sustainable Junkie Rehabilitation” Program (CBSJRP). Some former NGO members volunteered at once, which is encouraging.

Desperate for a smoke, this monkey grabbed a ‘Cold Leaf’ from a diner sitting on Arugam’sA? SVH “Flower Power Terrace”

To avoid detection, some clever chips adopted pipe smoking methods

Dehiwala zoo officials are also concerned

Nabbed! Shown here in the Loco Tourist Police lock up. Beachfront Tourist Police, Arugam Bay.

Other addicts have learned to camouflage themselves to escape arrest in Arugam’sA? jungles. Filmed here by undercover navy Security personnel near their new Panama Camp

The STF as well as the New Navy ‘Detachment’ at Panama has been on high alert to catch these subversive creatures

Generic requip Footnote by the Science Select Committee:

This graph is interesting. It shows the actual harm done (to the user as well as society) by the use of various substances. Published by a basket of the world’s leading experts

Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

Awarded for the 1983 account of life in Arugam Bay, Eastern Sri Lanka

Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

German author Frau Claudia ACKERMANN, hasA?won the Novel Prize in LiteratureA?for “having created new and deep insights” into events of 1983 in Sri Lanka. Written in graceful, impressive literaryA?style by anA?impartial, foreign tourist & traveler during the long running conflict of this paradise island. Social Media, Facebook and A?Twitter is going off at the news. The prize winning travel novel is set in remote Arugam Bay, in the 1980’s.

Author and Laureate’s’s own Web site

Some people, critics and fans alike, are thrilled at the news that the “greatest living author of our time” has won the esteemed award.A?Sarai Dumminus, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, called Frau ACKERMANN a great author in the German speaking tradition” before adding that “for many years now she’s been at it reinventing herself, constantly creating a new identity.” Other fans called her a “master” while one fan said that they are “Not so surprise[d]. She is a great contemporary writer of our time.”


Novel Prize 2016 for Peace & Music

Novel Prize Winner Laureate Chris Sherpa

Meanwhile, the Nobel Prize for peaceful Music A?(NPPM) has been awarded to CHRIS SHERPA. An Australian Songwriter and Musician. For his outstanding composition of the “Arugam Bay” Song. He is the “first Nobel Laureate since George Bernhard Shaw to have been awarded both a #Novel Prize and an Oscar.” President Obama also seems happy about the choice and took to Twitter to congratulate Chris , “Together with Jock Johnson Chris is one of my favorite Surf Composers.” Check out the only known unplugged version of this awesome song. Performed LIVE at AbaY below:
Where to purchase rogaine foam Award winning “Arugam Bay” Song

Chris Scherpa & THE PLONK Bio:

The music of Chris Scherpa is melodic without baby baby schmalz, dirty without being sloppy, the music and lyrics dig deep but stay light and groovy. The songs tell stories. Acoustic sound with punch!
Order acivir injection For his songs the songwriter Chris Scherpa uses influences ranging from folk to funk, alternative rock, reggae, blues and even hip hop. Very notable is Chris Scherpa’s special style of acoustic guitar playing – sometimes sounding like 2 guys at once.

Sherpa @ Aragum Bay, 2014 (DPA A?file photo)

Go Here


ALL Rs./ 5,000, 2,000, 1,000 & 500 Notes declared invalid !

As from midnight tonight, 31st March 2017

Qatar News 31/03/2017

President Sillysena has declared that all large notes in circulation will cease to be legal tender as from midnight, tonight (31st March, 2017)

This follows the overwhelming success of a similar masterstroke by his Indian Counterpart, Prime Minister MOGLI in November last year.
With one single directive, all black cash was eliminated and the banks recorded record deposits ever since. Being hard pushed to raise funds to repay foreign loans, the GOSL had to act swiftly.

The Victory Rs./ 1,000 note

Parliament was not privy to this bombshell announcement. Ministers and Members of Parliament were only told, in strict confidence, to A?quickly dispose of their hordings of A?the controversial Rs./ 1,000 “Victory” A?note. This was issued by a former Government.
Many believe that a huge warehouse full of such notes still exists.
Largest legal tender note as from today:
This is enough to buy 2 Cigarettes.


Statement from Temple Trees:

“I have reached today’s decision to demonetize Rs./500 up to the Rs./5000 currency notes in circulation in the economy as bold and revolutionary, and one that will have tectonic impact on the ubiquitous parallel economy in the country. The move will significantly strengthen the government’sA?systematic effortsA?(including special investigation team on black money, amending DTAA with India, Mauritius and Cyprus, amending the Benami Transactions Act, and the more recent Income Declaration Scheme) over the last two years to curb black money in the economy”

A?USAIDs Press release:

“In a single master stroke, the government of Sri Lanka has tackled all three malaises plaguing the economya??a parallel economy, counterfeit currency and terror financing”


Statement by Central Bank warden Mr. India Rancit Coma- Rastaswammy:

“I am honoured that the Government has followed my advice”

With our latest move, it is reasonably clear that the economy stands to benefit on several fronts:


1. Boost deposit base and savings

Global agencies have pegged the size of the parallel economy with the US $ at close to 23% as of 2007. Basis this, we estimate unaccounted cash in the economy to the tune of Rs./4500 billion, of which a certain significant proportion will make its way to the banks, thus boosting deposit base as well as financial savings:

  • The banks’ deposit base is expected to receive a fillip of 0.5-1.4% of GDP.
  • In turn, financing savings can be expected to rise by close to this proportion due to switch from savings from unproductive physical assets to financial assets.

2. Improve monetary transmission and reduce lending rates

  • A rise in deposit base will allow banks to lower the blended cost of funds as higher CASA (current accounts, savings accounts) deposits help to replace the high cost of borrowing and lower overall cost of funds. We expect banks to reduce deposit rates by ~125 bps over the next six months.
  • The new regime of MCLR (Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate )will immediately take into account the lower cost and will thereby lead to a decline in lending rates, which will boost economic activity in the medium term.

3. Create room for further monetary accommodation

Continue reading ‘ALL Rs./ 5,000, 2,000, 1,000 & 500 Notes declared invalid !’

“Axit” Poll June 23rd, 2016 !

Break News
Arugam Bay will vote for Independence from Sri Lanka
The AbaY EXIT (“Axit”) Vote
Will be held on the same day as the UK Exit (“Brexit”) poll
A?A decisive AbaY / Ceylon Referendum has been announced for the 23rd June.
Unless the GoSL grants the promised SAR status to the Bay of Arugam.

President Srisena was regarded – just over one year ago- as a new strong leader.
A new, fresh breeze swept the island. It was widely reported that the new, more progressiveA? Government would be looking into the creation of an innovativeA? SAR (Self-Admin. Region) region within Sri Lanka. ( reported)

The remote enclave Bay of Arugam was earmarked to be a perfect Government designated Tourist Resort to implement and tryA? such forward thinking policies.
Sadly, NOTHING has happened since.
Apart from more and more power cuts than ever. As a result, AbaY relies again on it’s own generators, and residents wish to break all commercial ties with distant Colombo.



The only access into the Arugam Bay enclave

Disillusioned, frustrated and following the British/Scotland vote, the recent New Zealand Flag issue as well as the pending UKA? / EU “BREXIT” referendum Arugam Bay Residents have got totally fed up waiting Continue reading ‘“Axit” Poll June 23rd, 2016 !’


Kite Surfer and the MH370 Mystery

Kite Surfer returns from the Bondives

Kite Surfer and the MH370 Mystery

World Exclusive News

Kite Surf Legend Dill Sill recovering at nearby KaputtoVille hospital.
He wasA?Blown off course and badly crash landed at AbaY today.
He is dilsirious, but he has indicated a possible explanation to what may have happened to the missing Malay flight MH 370

Crashed at AbaY beach - blown way off course

Drifted in from the distant Bondives

Attempted Kite Surfing in the Bondives

World class Kite Surfing legend Mr. Dill Sill seems to have been blown across from the previously unknown island of The Bondives to all the way toA?Arugam Bay.

His somewhat incoherent account is being questioned.
He claims that The Bondives IslandersA?reported a ‘low level flight’
However, his helmet camera has captured this amazing photo.
Which is the last known image of the missing Boeing 777:

Due to the isolation of the Island Nation of The Bondives this has only just now been reported. A group of Natives as well as the one only Police man on the island have seen a large aircraft a few weeks ago.

Did MH370 BonDive nr. AbaY ?A?

(artist’s impression)

Why does this news only come in NOW?


It happened in the uncharted Islands of The Bondives

You have never heard of them?

No wonder! Here is why:
(Extract from Wikipedia)

The Bondives

Are an island nation in the Southern Indo-Pacific Ocean.

The Bondives are almost unknown. And they not even shown on any maps. The reason has just come to light: Those islands are shifting. Continuously.

The most singular feature of The Bondives geography is its mobility. Similar to the annual shifting of the famous ARUGAM BAY sand bank, The BONDIVES have a constant process of erosion that removes sand from the east coast and deposit it on the west coast, the islands were moving westward at the rate of 1400 meters a year. It is anticipated that the islands would collide with Sri Lanka in 2020. To slow down this movement, boats constantly ferry sand from the east coast back to the west.

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First known mention of the Bondive Islands

:San Serriffe (02).png
Quick Facts
Capital Feemal
Government undemocratic republic
Currency dimes Roman (dR)
Area 692.7 sq km
Population 1,782,724 (1973 census)
Language English (official),Portuguese (official), Gowdy (Flong), Malay,Arabic
Religion Asterism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism
Electricity 190V/42Hz (South African plug)
Internet TLD .ss
Time Zone UTC +6:45

Other destinations


Map of The Bondives

Long unfairly neglected by travelers, and surprisingly never even mentioned in the backpack bible ‘Loony Planet”, the islands of The Bondives truly offer something for everyone: a rich culture full of fascinating customs, an informative case study for environmentalists and economists, and a treasure trove of unusual tubers for botanists. Now under nominally democratic government, now is the time to discover The Bondives distinctive cuisine, tropical climate and quaint transportation, before the next volcanic eruption occurs.


The Bondives have been unkindly characterized as a banana republic, although Bondivians themselves have been known to take offense at this suggestion and physically remind the commentator that pineapples are also an important export crop. (Critics must also concede that it’s not really much of a republic, either.) Continue reading ‘Kite Surfer and the MH370 Mystery’


All is possible @ remote AbaY

Non of those photos have been taken in Arugam.
They could have been.
All is possible to experience in a condensed little corner of our island:
At Where to buy stromectol Arugam Bay !
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That sort if incident did happen. At Lahugala. On the Main A4 road. Take care!

That does happen. Every day. At Kumana. Where the Arugam Road ends at the BIG river. Across from Yala

That does happen. Every year. When weird one day flies hatch. It looks like fog clouds actually, specially around a light source

THAT. And an even BIGGER swell did happen. At Arugam Bay. End 2004 ....;-((


Record Breaking Tourist Arrivals @ H’tot

Record Breaking Tourist Arrivals @ H’tot

The Wonder of Asia has finally Taken off!
Our New Airport is coping well A?with recent Tourist arrivals.
Everyone is heading towards famous Arugam Bay
Update 1st April, 2013:

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Dozens of World Class AirlinesA?singedA?up for Hambantot

The New Airport can handle it !

Flight No.BI69 arriving from Patna touching down at Hambantot

Rail links are almost near A?full capacity

Hambantot Central Railways Station

Continue reading ‘Record Breaking Tourist Arrivals @ H’tot’


No Need!

To bring you own board !
Arugam Bay Purchase diakofukboy has plenty of Surf Shops
And low daily rentals
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c/c “Arugam Surf”

Image & caption taken from “Arugam Surf” on Facebook.
A popular page with 144,000 ‘Likes’
and more than 60 Million friends-of-friends


Jet Ski trials at Arugam Bay

Order calan sr 240 mg Navy The S.L. Navy recently entered the lucrative Tourist market. In a big way, with cruises, boat trips, hospitality and whale watching,

Army The Army also has been taking keen interest in the sport of Surfing. Locally based, Commissioned Officers are said to have been observed to Surf Arugam Bay.

Air Force Jet Ski trials at AbaY

STF – Special Tusk Farce The STF is already actively engaged in life-saving duties and Fishery protection excercises

Fishy protection Duties

Air Farce Not to be outdone, has learned that SLAF is now also set to enter the lucrative Tourist sector. So far, none of the Armed Forces appear to be profitable. As jet.

Recently, secret trials were held in the area. Just West of Arugam Bay.

Rigorous training program. Earlier attempts were promising

Jokey Club Furthermore, it is understood that other organisations are considering to jump on the popular Surfing “Band Wagon” Cheap crixivan/indinavir

Even the Sri Lanka Jockey Club seems to be considering to divert into some off shore activities:

Jockey Club training session @ Arugam Bay

AbuDubai Race Horses Rulers from the UAE have also spotted Arugam’s potential. Already they have send some of their best Race Horses to be conditioned and trained in the clean air of Arugam’s beaches. Apparently, the humidity and the heat will give Arab based horses a distinct advantage over European competitors in forthcoming races in Dubai’s high Tech race course.

Dubai Horse Race training & conditioning at Arugam Bay

Chinese Interest The Chinese meanwhile have copied popular Jet Ski Designs by Yamaha, Suzuki and Bomadier. Seen here on HD sea trials at AbaY

Ps.: NAAFI? Navy, Army & Air Forces Institutes in action at Arugam Bay 1st April, 2012

Combined Forces. At work in AbaY
