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mini Quake at Arugam Bay

This morning a tiny earth tremor caused no damage at all, but some concern amongst the village people of Arugam Bay. Ophthacare online games

Tsunami Warning system Arugam Bay Hill

Tsunami Warning system Arugam Bay Hill

As usual, fears of another Tsunami surfaced. Some ran away into the opposite direction. Just as they did end of 2004, towards Lahugala. still maintains a highly efficient Early Warning System. Due to our own strong Thai connections we receive very quick and first hand warnings directly from the world’s most advanced centre at Silom Road, Bangkok.
There was not a hint of danger – so our sirens were not activated.
However, we are also informed that a mast (see photo) has recently been erected on the hill overlooking the Bay. It is however not known to us if this system is active and tested so far.
Our own opinion:
Clonidine depression treatment The next real Tsunami will come! The question is: When?
The ONLY real answer is: Build Tsunami resistant structures.
Or construct low level dwellings well away from the sea as indicated by the Government 100 or 200 Meter zone, earlier.
Do NOT reconstruct low level, low quality buildings near the sea front! As this will endanger the life and security of residents and visitors in future.A? For sure.

Arugam Village Centre Autobahn. Progress

Exactly one year ago we voiced our concern, published the abbreviated article below.
WeA? formed a group called “Arugam Bay Walking Street”. To join, see link below.

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Beginning 2009 work has started to widen and ‘rehabilitate’ Arugam Bay’s Beach Road. So far, most residents are happy. Soon maybe no longer. Serious accidents!

New wide  trunk road March 2009

New wide trunk road March 2009

More recent photos are here:

This is an extract of the initial article, published March, 2008. You can see more below:

The Future of Arugam Bay Beach Drive is being decided by guys like Delivery precose USAID.
Present plans appear to favour the construction of a fast, through road. Results?

Accident on Road

Option #B might look something like this:

Continue reading ‘Arugam Village Centre Autobahn. Progress’

Happy New Year 2009! wishes all our friends and visitors all the very best for the New Year 2009
We hope that some peace will come to our island soon.

Eastern Sunrise at Arugam Bay

Eastern Sunrise at Arugam Bay

Please visit or come back to the Bay one day:
This is all we need to recover from the past terrible years.

Stay with us and support our efforts!
This web site will undergo a total renovation soon and posts should be easier to find when completed. will continue to publish all relevant news, good and bad and provide as much information as possible.
The aim is to attract more visitos to the Bay and we remain a non profit organization
For all veterans who have been to AbaY before a social link page exists on Facebook:
”’Arugam Surf”
Click below to become an Arugam Bay Insider:

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No need to register – but a great tool to stay in touch with old friends, share photos, impressions and even videos.

Arugam Bay Water Tower

One more Tower – One more Land Mark!
At picturesque Arugam Bay.
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Arugam Bay Water Tower under Construction

Between #61 Fishing Net and #62 Palmgrove Holiday Inn a new, large project is being constructed at present. Where can i buy levothroid
Just South of our “City Centre”, landside, USAID and their sub contractors are well under way to build a new Water Tower and supply system.
This project seems swift and professional in its approach – we’ll keep you posted of its progress.

“tri anni horribili”

Around this time, 3 years ago, we were still pretty wet.
But we were united, full of hope and full of confidence.
We even managed a swift and highly efficient self-recovery.

  • We had our very own reliable Early Warning System.
  • The Bay was covered with a high speed WiFi system, free to access by all.
  • We had a good medical clinic thanks to DEMIRA.
  • There was no talk of ‘Tamil’, Muslim or Sinhalese “Area”.
  • Above all, there was no war.
  • All was Then – Not Now.

In our personal experience, the natural flood event 3 years ago was nothing compared with the man made disaster which has unfolded since.

Still, the ‘great’ organizations are content with their ‘impressive’ achievements.
Take a look at two examples, published this week.

  • The Red Crusaders and Half Moonies dwell in glowing reports “From the Field”.
  • 31b45032a6112e837bf489cb2a4d2cc1.htm
  • We, the actual victims, had no idea that the guys in plush offices in Colombo 7, such as their grand mansion in Gregory Road, are involved in agriculture Lopid online . But we do know that they tend to send their local staff near -but never actually into – the odd trouble zone. Whilst all ex pats remain near the Happy Hour and the up market ‘Bay Leaf Restaurant opposite on Gregory’s Rd. A excellent location to pretend that IRCS so-called management also do a highly ‘dangerous’ job “In the killing Fields”. This of course is a great tool to justify their high wages and danger allowances.

You can even get it for FREE. They stress. Who the hell would want this silly map, which shows no details at all and doesn’t even mention the hardest hit area Arugam Bay remains their own little secret.
A far better map was produced by the British, 60 years ago and this one is actually useful – but it does cost 75Rs./ at the Ordinance Dept. in Colombo. For this huge amount you actually receive an updated, modern version showing every telegraph pole.

  • Mercy Corps and Oprah Whinfrey are still boasting with the fact that they “changed our lives”.
  • Indeed, they did.
  • But just about everything is much worse than it ever was before in the Bay.
  • No matter. The popular, very clever Show is well in the clear. Financially.
  • Harpo Inc. collected huge sums in the name of Arugam Bay with their 3 shows.
  • A substantial surplus of many Millions was made, even after ‘reaching out’ by signing a cheque for 1 Mill. and walking away from our long term, Mercy Corpse created problems.

How blissful must it be, to be ignorant!

On one side the gullible donors are impressed with glowing and highly inflated claims of achievements.
On the victims side, where nobody has Internet access (Why?? We often wonder??), no one has an idea what is claimed abroad to have been done. In the remote little Bay., and also myself are (un-)lucky enough to be able to see and compare both sides.
And as they never seem to match we have seen it as our duty to report – directly from the Field. For three, terrible, long years we did just that.. If we don’t draw attention to this huge fraud, who else is to do so? It got us nowhere. On the contrary, we harmed ourselves and we would have done better to grovel and give in to their financial super power. Earning a few of the morsels they tend to drop to the greedy and their sympathizer’s.

So, who made all the difference?
The small, simple, private people.
Exactly the kind of group, the BIG organizations wanted to keep out. Their advice was NOT to take matters into one’s own hand and leave the Tsunami help in their ‘experienced’ and ‘trusted’ hands.
Lucky for the Bay some did not listen and purchased a ticket and came to see, help and do what they could.
If it were not for great guys such as:

  • Nathalie, the party girl, who played with kids. Showed they that someone cared for them.
  • Tom the carpenter, who came with nothing but his tools and belief to assist
  • David le Sueur of Friends of Europe
  • Dutch girls Maria & Hanneke
  • Doc. Martin and DEMIRA,
  • Supem de Silva and the Rotary Club
  • Rasta Neelu and French Frederick
  • Per & Camilla from Danish Villa,
  • Steve of RoccoA?a??a??s fame
  • Members of SLB and Reisespinne
  • Wolfgang, the (then) webmaster
  • N.s.s. Simon, the Bay’s big donor
  • And many more

None of them ever had a vehicle fit for a Minister. Indeed, most relied on Public transport. Surprise, surprise: They all still managed to do a great deal more locally and all over the so-called ‘troubled’ East Coast than any Land Cruiser crew ever did or will do.
Without references to or demands for (non-existing-)danger money.
And all without a weird blue light on top. Or flag behind.

If these highly motivated, educated, critical and informed individuals would have been supported just a little more with some official funds (wasted daily) they are the ones who would really have changed lives to the better.

Instead, the large organizations regarded them as a threat, obstructed and even boycotted many. Most left, sad and demoralized, because they simply could not compete with (empty) promises, flash cars and elaborate lifestyles of the Great ones, which did impress and corrupt the local natives.

Most in the big organizations seem to regard their tasks as just another job. And although they may have started with great intentions they were soon grounded by their own bureaucracy. Only few had the back bone to resign in disgust. Such as Matthias from Koeln and Max Seelhofer, the Swiss Red Cross S.L country chief.
WE salute them all.

And we wish to thank our loyal, critical supporters herewith.
Without all of you great guys I am sure that some of the neck ties dropped of by the Red Cross 3 years ago would have found more than one non-intended use by now.
The US donated toilet rolls, which filled the entire “Hang Loose” Hotel at the time when we had no toilets, however, became useful after all, proving us totally wrong. A good motion.

Let us hope and pray that the next 3 years will not see are repeat performance of this mismanagement and waste of resources!

Below is just one Example.
This what we often see, locally.
Nothing at all has been done, apart from an erected sign!
Or even two…..
Example of Claim:

However, at least one organization had the neck to claim that they ‘completed’ a “Sanitary Project” in Arugam Bay. At huge expense. The trusting donors were content.
But, would they still be happy with their good deed? If they had been given the facts?
If they could have compared this grand “Project” with the REALITY, as below?

Maybe some of you can understand, why We are NOT happy with what we were forced to observe during the past Three, Terrible Years!

Happy New Year 2008!

2007 Capture Competition

The grand Arugam Bay Order zenegra photo Competition price of 2007 remains unclaimed!
Even a regular visitor to the Bay, having won 2 weeks Free B&B for two in an a/c suite, did not visit the Bay this year. It has never been as quiet as this before!
Order lisinopril hydrochlorothiazide AbHa has decided to extent the offer to redeem for one further year, hoping to welcome brilliant photographer Mr. Philip sometime in 2008.

How about a capture contest?
Below are a few amateur shots, all taken around the same location.
During the past 3 years.

AbHa, trying hard to attract tourists thinks the few photos sum up the “progress” of the past three years rather well, without many words. And show the conflict of interests in the Bay these days.
The winner of the most apt, funny or fitting capture will win a chance to run up and down Arugam Bay beach (just 2km) and try to match the amount of vessels with the slogans painted upon them.
At our expense.
Simply click “Comments” and let us hear your suggestion.

2004 View to Beach

December 2004; a Natural Event

Clean Arugam Bay April 2005

April, 2005. A fine balance is still in place

Outlook 2005

2005: Is this what tourists come to the Bay for?

Outlook Dec. 2007: After NGO

YOUR Suggestions Please!

Green Lung of Asia

The responsible world begins to take global warming serious.
And Sri Lanka is planning to point out its unique ecological position.
The island Nation, it is said, has NO Co2 emission at all.
Indeed, our green Island produces more Oxygen than its own emission of harmful gasses. is informed that if this claim is proven to be correct, it will form the back bone of the entire future strategy of the Tourist Board.

In Arugam Bay we are blessed with no sea pollution at all.
That’s obvious, as we clearly have no industry or sewage which could ever spoil the quality of our blue waters.

Due to foreseeable energy shortages a few fossil fuel power stations are under construction in places like Trincomalee. The government might be forgiven to seek quick fix solutions; Ministers are busy with more pressing tasks. however feels that wise and western NGO’s should have played a better role in using their huge financial muscle to influence policy and educate our small developing Nation.
Starting by giving a good example, for example?
In the case of Arugam Bay the exact opposite has happened!
Still, there is not a single solar panel around, there still are no windmills on any of our windswept beaches or hills, no renewable energy sources qualified for funding, there hasn’t even been a single low energy bulb donated (or used in NGO’s offices!!).
Instead, guys like Mercy Corps donated:
1.) Two stroke Mopeds (instead of electric ones, available for the same price)
2.) Compressor fridges and freezers (instead of LPG or inverter or heat pump systems)
3.) Two stoke 3-wheelers (outlawed in most Nations, the 4 Stroke BajajA?A? was available)
4.) Electric water heaters are said to be donated and installed in small restaurants
5.) Noise & beach polluting boats and Suzuki Kerosine engines
6.) Obscure Las Vegas Style light chains for visiting TV stunts like O.W. “Lights of Hope”
…….and many more energy consuming gimmicks were dished out in true US style, just to obtain a good photo for the distant donors and for the flash M/C newsletter.
Buy tadacip from india at the time tried to help organizations such as Mercy Corps and The Angel Network to see the light of the future and use chances a remote enclave like the Bay offered to them and their long-term plans.
Our help was refused – and our own bed sheet poster, at the time: “No light – No hope” was of course totally ignored. Although much more appropriate, as NONE of the great Mercy Corpse funded ‘projects’ survived the first year of ‘operation.
Indeed, some dismissed and jobless staff had to be drafted in for the follow-on Oprah show to state “how much the US guys have changed our lives” and so on.
Five minutes after the TV guys left – the local girls of the tailor shopA?A? were without any job again, until this very day…A great deception some would call it.

It is with regret and great sadness that with all the huge sums collected, and the wisdom the rest of the world possesses regarding the future of our GREEN planet that we seem unable to begin to make realistic changes in a greenfield micro location such as Arugam Bay.
We (the NGO’s) had the cash, we had the knowledge and wisdom – and still the end effect has been totally negative.
We even damaged our own environment more than before 2004.
We had a great chance to build a better place, but it was totally missed.
At least ever since the arrival of ‘expert’ men and women from overseas.
Online prescription for cymbalta And thanks to Mercy Corps to change lives in Arugam Bay!
(Closing words of Ms. Whinfrey in her show on Arugam Bay)

Community Based Sustainable Bullshit

One of the main catch phrases of the NGO’s is that they support the Community and that investments are made in ‘close’ consultation with the public.
The international press has investigated this claim and found no real evidence that this has ever happened, here on the South East Coast.
True, there have been a few “Workshops” and “Meetings” – but all were nothing but a PR excercise to convince the gullible and uneducated public that a decision reached somewhere abroad is actually good for us.
Any critical comment was duly ignored – nobody ever listened to an informed voice.
Take for example:
Here you have a truly Community based web site, also representing an old, democratic Association.
Indeed, Can you get triamcinolone acetonide ointment over the counter Cheap eulexin side is said to be the very first self-help Internet Home page in the whole of Sri Lanka. Established long before any Government site, more than 10 years ago.
This site and blog is not edited or censored – unlike all of the NGO’s PR sites!
(None of our posts ever appeared on their sites! For example Mercy Corpse and Oprah Whimpy do not allow any critical comments)
On EVERYONE can post ANY Comment – and we are not afraid to publish anything.
Within days after the Tsunami this site was switched into the very first and only home based self- appeal site following the disaster.
Did any of the bragging Organizations support this Community Based institution?
On the contrary, everything was done to obstruct our work – because we were just a little too critical and too well informed?
Look at “Mercy Corps“:
They now pay Google with donor’s cash for adverts to replace our own, underfunded site.
Mercy Corpse also established and sponsors rival sites because we often don’t agree with their high handed and totally useless Projects.

The Community is only asked and involved – when it suits the BIG ENJOY’s!
This is the conclusion we have reluctantly come to after two and half a years.

Mercy Crops

The perhaps only successful ‘project’ US giant Mercy Corps Inc. undertook at Arugam Bay was the plantation of fast growing trees along the main road. objected to such trees being planted in front of the AbHa office, pointing out that they would soon touch the overhead main East Coast 33,000 Volt power lines directly overhead.
Of course idealistic Ms. Robinson did not listen to a simple peasant’s advice and continued “Changing Lifes” in the Bay.

Indeed, she was very successful in that undertaking – splitting the entire Community- and further more, even quicker than expected:
In living memory there has not been a single day without a power cut.
Mercyful trees grew so fast that they are now touching the lines at a dizzy height of 7 Meters.
Who on earth could be so short sighted?
The resulting el. shorts are even more spectacular than Mercy Corps’ earlier PR stunt “Lights of Hope”. Here we have a very dangerous situation!
For you who can’t recall the earlier huge fund raising exercise:

Mercy Corps dispensed a few hundred (very) low quality light chains to gullible AbaY residents.
Everyone was told not to switch them on until the paid(?) US media Buy betapace online arrived – to make sure they last long enough we suppose.
Dangerous Mercy Corpse planting at AbaYdsc09971.JPGdsc09974.JPGMercy Corpse trees at Hello Madam, AbaY
Our own banner: “No lights – No hope” was of course ignored and never shown on the Oprah Whimpy show – although much more appropriate.
No matter what – these two successful US businesses managed to collect huge sums.
In the name of Arugam Bay. Ms. Whinfrey actually “Reached out”. To her ball pen and signed a cheque for a million US Dollars – where the rest Millions have gone we can only guess (Harpo Inc. still owes the people of AbaY $300 dating from an agreement Jan. 2005 for exclusive video footage transmitted to them by us)
So much for the advertised 5 year plan Ditropan xl generic cost of Mercy Corpse – it started in 2005 and finishedA?A? sometime in 2006.


For the somewhat …technical minded:
Every school boy might understand the above illustration. It shows a tree near a fairly low power line, maybe 440V, in New Zealand.
In the clever NGO case of educated US Mercy Corps all sea side trees at Arugam Bay were planted DIRECTLY UNDER our much higher, 33,000V Main East Coast power line.
The simple natives of AbaY wish to thank the US for sending such ‘experts’ to our island!
Crops have Mercy on our uneducated Souls….

It is very sad to report that Mercy Corps has totally failed in just about every task they undertook in our area.
It is however also realized and accepted, that Ms. Robinson acted in good faith, she really tried to do her level best for the Community. She simply chose to support the wrong people, and listed to the wrong local advice – that’s all.

In a week or so, we hope to publish a totally differed story.
This will demonstrate how a huge Organization did NOT at all act in good faith, they did NOT try to do the best to their abilities:
These guys actually refused to help the injured, actually stole from the Community, caused willful criminal damage and are locally known as ‘Die Rote Kotze’ (‘The Red Vomit’); for good and later explained reasons.
These weird people still have a police report pending against them and tried to silence us after attempts to sue us in Genevre failed miserably.
Wait for our report and evidence! It is all well documented!
We gave them a last chance to respond and live up to their given promises to make amends. But of course they feel they are soooo well known and they simply don’t care about us – the stupid Tsunami victims.

Warning System switched off

As from today Arugambay has lost its connection to the reliable Thai Government Early Warning system.
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The locally monitored, innovative and highly efficient Early Warning System has finally run out of money Purchase kemadrin substitute .
The only sponsor, the SVH has been unable to attract any financial help and had to pull the plug on the population.
With good reason, people in the remote Bay learned to rely on homegrown systems and do not trust outside help or Colombo Government warnings.
For example, should a sea quake happen 50 miles offshore, the warning period is a mere 5 Minutes. AbaY’s systems would have detected that, and given quick, local response by activating high sirens, potentially saving hundreds of lives.
The attached SMS system also is no longer in operation; subscribers have been notified.
Should you wish to find out more, and the history of our system, there is ample coverage on this site: simply use the search facility and most articles should come up. regrets that with all the collected Millions a few hundred $$ could not be found to protect residents and visitors from forthcoming events.
And: Make no mistake: They will happen!
So much for supporting a ‘true sustainable’ and worthwhile Community ‘Project’.
For the sake of all the ‘helpful’ NGO – “ENJOYS” we hope that nothing drastic happens soon!

Hot Idea!

AbaY on fire!

Beach Fire
In recent memory, there is only just one single day when this kind of sad event, similar to above, would not have concerned us too much.
And this may have been the 26th December, 2004……
At all other times it could wipe out the entire Bay! Given bad wind directions.
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Because the next fire truck is parked up about 2-3 hours away, in Monaragala or Ampara.
How about donating an old, redundant fire truck to the Bay – to be stationed half way between Panama and PottuVille, i.e in Arugambay?
Both towns either side of us also have no fire service.
Unthinkable in the West or any civilized Society!
Who has a few $$$ left over to supply an old truck to save lives?
modern AbaY Fire Brigade
Obviously this idea is also beyond the means of any caring NGO.
They are here to change Property for sale aldara park randburg lives. Not save them.

Full Moon (Eclipse)

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The Full Moon Day is somewhat special to Arugam Bay. You may recall.
Tonight, with a perfect clear sky above and the calm sea reflecting the bright Moon light:
Forget about our Full Moon Party! There are no crowds or ambassadors in town anyhow.
Red MoonEclipse of the Moon
Join us and stay up until just before sunrise and admire a perfect total lunar eclipse.
It started at 3.25am and lasted until 5:30am.
The best views were around 5:00 on Sunday morning with a RED/Orange MOON high above the Bay.
YOU should have been HERE! It was yet another GREAT event to remember.
At times, we can see events much clearer from here than from Europe or America.

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05:00 update:
Spectacular! A full, long lasting eclipse is still going on.
This nature’s show lasted much longer than expected; maybe someone can explain why we had our time calculation so wrong?
Right now we see a perfect, healthy EGG YOLK in the clear sky above Arugam Bay; photos will follow.

05:30 update:
Now the clear and totally unpolluted sky of the Bay can see the first sign of sunrise.
Our Egg Yolk Moon slowly gets a bright yellow cap; it looks a bit like butter on top.
Are YOU ready for breakfast in the tropics under our palm trees?
It seems mother Earth is getting out of the way and we embrace another beautiful day in Eastern Sri Lanka.
Weather and nature wise that is.

Mind the Tusker(update)

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Bright Ideas


But no power.
What to do? Wobble the head?

Most so-called “active” NGO’s actually hate
We only seem to run them down in public.
We do. With good reason.
Why on earth don’t they ever come up with a real bright idea for a change? is not part of any ENJOY and we never have been given any official funds to this day.
What would AbHa do if they had just a tiny fraction of the cash all the Orgas. waste, every day?
The priorities of the concerned underdog change all the time.
To demonstrate allow us to give you one single example of what worries us right now.
USAid has used its obvious influence and they had a brand new transformer installed near their office. In record time.
Something we tried to do for the past 10 years was completed yesterday, in just 3 days: The US air conditioners were not performing well at their end of Arugambay or whatever.
But of course there is a serious power problem, everywhere.
As a result the mains voltage now drops at the other, opposing end of town.
What to do? As the Sri Lankans would say? And wobble with the head.
Today, is the day when Australia has outlawed the old, incandescent highly inefficient light bulbs. We quote: “saving the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 4 million tonnes by 2012″. recalls that with very limited funds and very little power as from January 2005 only energy efficient lights were supplied by AbHa to AbaY residents – free of charge.

Why doesn’t some Donation dripping NGO come up with the idea to change one for one:
One museum-type 1879 Edison patent’s heat bulb for a new, low energy bulb for EVERY household in the famous, but underpowered Bay?
What is wrong with making remote AbaY the first energy efficient village in Asia: Wouldn’t that be a real compliment to sanity and progress?
Further, it would actually be a low cost, high profile, ecological and highly “sustainable” “Project” (sorry: but we are truly sick of all these empty NGO slogans!!) which the locals would really LOVE. It would also educate the Natives to become more power efficient. And as a result, Arugam would have decent power again, at both ends of town, consume less fossil fuels and save cash for the Nation and every home.


Because the poor population can’t afford the new low energy lamps! They cost more than twice as much, but actually last more than 4x longer! Cheaper in the long run, but costly to buy in the first place. That’s why everyone keeps on buying the ancient cheap, crap, heat bulbs. This great “project” would save everyone money on high CEB bills.
And better still they get it for FREE, perhaps with a pretty Mercy Corpse (or so) sticker on each bulb…..sorry: Oprah Whinfrey’s preferred partners embrace only Las Vegas “Lights of Hope” to show their highly paid TV & PR teams what US help and changing lives is all about.
Q.: How many Americans does it take to change a 100W light bulb??
A.: does not have an answer we could print.

Sadly we are still not funded by anyone, but we remain confident that we have better ideas than most. We are locals as well as professionals after all.
And for a change 😉 we feel that our own ‘Community’ based “Sustainable” ‘Projects’ actually are what they claim and aim to be Order levlen ingredients .
Meanwhile nearby NGO’s light up their brand new buildings with power guzzling lamps.
The uneducated natives have an excuse. They have no knowledge and no funds.
What justification will we eventually hear from XXXX???? organization when judgment day has come? (We will name and shame them; don’t worry! Right now AbHa simply wants to record local events for future history).
Will they say “We had no funds available to buy 10 energy bulbs”?
To light up the new Community Tourist Office and local show piece?
Or do the XXX-experts Cheap biaxin 500 have no knowledge or education?
Or maybe the simple answer is: ‘We don’t really care’.
…..As long as their own jobs are secure they don’t.
This appears to be the thinking of our E.N.J.O.Y.s -In a nutters shell…..
See today’s related links and more info on this subject:


#43 Home Needs

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#43 Home Needs (sign)

Digoxin annual sales #43 Home Needs is a well run, clean food and small needs shop.
Something a bit like a Sri Lankan 7/11 corner shop.
Situated right in the middle of the Bay, open until 21:00 hrs. it is perhaps the best run little shop Arugam Bay has to offer.
There are plenty of fridges and freezers and quite a few more items are stocked than in PottuVille. Many may appeal to visitors: Corn Flakes, imported sweets, sun lotions, tampons, diapers.
The hard working owner is Mr. V-Jay.
The shop was wiped off Dec/2004, but with determination and generous immediate financial assistance from the Siam View VJ managed to be the first place to re=open after the Big waves receded.
Common practice has it, that many goods are supplied on credit; a ‘tab’ is kept to ensure customer loyalty.

#43 Home Needs (establishment)

AbHa recommends, however, that visitors pay for all goods as they receive them.
This would help the cash flow of such small shops.
And avoid bad debts.