…..He then flew abroad to join the Sri Lankan Airlines Pro, a six-star WQS event at Arugam Bay, A?Sri Lanka, where he made it as far as the forth round…….

Dede Suryana in the final round of the 2010 West Java Open at Cimaja Beach, on Sunday. Dede won the fourth series of Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships Tour by beating Pepen Hendrik in the final round. (Photo courtesy of ISC Tour/Tim Hain)
West Java Surfer Rips To ISC Tour Victory
Cimaja, Indonesia. Dede Suryanaa??s hometown in West Java finally saw first-hand the true skill level of its native son.
Having competed abroad most of the year, the 26-year-old surfer produced a dazzling array of moves to win the West Java Open in his hometown of Cimaja on Sunday.
It was Dedea??s first victory in the 2010 Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championship Tour.
a??Ia??m so happy right now, this is the best thing ever. To win this event in front of my family and friends, ita??s like a dream come true,a?? Dede said on the ISC Web site.
a??Ia??ve been all over the world, competing in WQS [World Qualifying Series] events lately. To come back home where everyone is, thata??s something super special.a??
Dede, the ISC Tour champion in 2008, clinched the West Java title and the Rp 12.5 million ($1,400) top purse after he beat Pepen Henrik 14.75-13.9 in the 25-minute final that saw the two surfers exchange aggressive maneuvers and breathtaking techniques.
Raditya Rondi, the winner of the third ISC Tour series in Kuta, Bali last month, and Dedi Dwi Santoso ended up tied for third place in the tournament supported by Quicksilver.
The last time Dede competed in a local event was during the ISC Tour opener in Canggu, Bali, in April.
He then flew abroad to join the Sri Lankan Airlines Pro, a six-star WQS event at Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka, where he made it as far as the fourth round. Continue reading ‘Java Surfer wins CoCa Cola Championship’
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