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[TamilNet, Wednesday, 05 September 2007, 12:39 GMT]
The Head of European Union’s Delegation to Sri Lanka, Julian Wilson, on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government Agent of Ampaa’rai, Sunil Kannangara, initiating EU-AMPARA PARTNERSHIP programme. More than half part of the funding is allocated to reconstruct the roads in the district. The funds are channelled through eight partners working with local authorities and Sri Lankan ministries. Following is the full text of the press release issued by the European Commission Delegation in Sri Lanka on the signing of EU-Ampara Partnership:
![]() Julian Wilson, the head of European Union delegation to Sri Lanka [R] shaking hands with Sunil Kannangara [L], the district secretary (Government Agent) of Ampaa’rai district
Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on EU-Ampara Partnership
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Mr. Julian Wilson, Head of Delegation, European Union Delegation to Sri Lanka and Mr. Sunil Kannangara, the Government Agent of Amapara at the GA’s office yesterday.
The EU-Ampara Partnership funded by the European Union amounts to EUR 78 million (Approx. LKR 11,388,000,000) will contribute towards the rehabilitation and sustainable development of Ampara district. The Partnership, which comprises of 7 programmes working with community organisations and National Ministries, is committed to deliver aid to all vulnerable communities in the district.
The European Union in its efforts to contribute towards the rehabilitation and sustainable development of the Ampara district, is channelling EUR 78 million (approx. LKR 11,388,000,000) through the EU-AMPARA PARTNERSHIP Programme.
The EU-AMPARA PARTNERSHIP funds are being delivered through eight partners working mainly with local authorities and also with the National Ministries (RDA and Nation Building & Reconstruction) to ensure an integrated approach for the development of the whole district.
The EU AMPARA PARTNERSHIP is comprised of the following programmes:
- Reconstruction of Siyambalanduwa A?a??a?? Pottuvil – Akkaraipattu roads EUR 13.5 million, which is co-financed with the ADB and the Ministry of Highways
- Community Access Roads Programme (CAP) for EUR 30 million implemented through UNOPS and local authorities
- Community Livelihood Support Programme (CLSP) EUR 10 million implemented through IOM and local authorities
- Livelihood Development Programme (LDP) EUR 0.7 million implemented through UNDP and local authorities
- North East Housing Reconstruction Programme (NEHRP) EUR 13 million co-financed with the World Bank and the Ministry of Nation Building and Reconstruction
- Environmental Remediation Programme EUR 10 million implemented through UNOPS and local authorities
- Two environmental remediation actions under ASIA PRO ECO IIB A?a??a??Post Tsunami programme in Kalmunai for EUR 1 million co-financed with City of Munich and Province of Modena and local authorities.
The EU AMPARA PARTNERSHIP is committed to deliver aid to all vulnerable communities in the district and will ensure that the allocation of resources is strictly guided by the principle equity.
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