Forum Meeting


Buy combivent inhaler dsc09969.JPG managed to send, for the first time ever, representatives from the East Coast to attend a Forum Meeting held at Beruwella recently.
Although known to each other through Internet discussion web sites such as nothing can replace a person-to-person, personal contact.
A common feature of everyone attending was obvious:
All share a deep love and concern for Sri Lanka.
Also present were Mr. Ibrahim,of PottuVille and Mr. Kapila Amarasinghe.

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2 Responses to “Forum Meeting”

  • Many Thanks for attending our meeting.
    Some of you came a long way – but we managed to discuss many interesting topics.
    The rather wide gap between the West and East Coast was a much discussed issue.
    Special thanks to Mr. Ibrahim and his wife as well as Mr. Kapila and his newly wedded partner for their attendance.
    We all hope that our meeting could result in the promotion of tourism, specially on the East Coast.
    However, at the very least we manged to take one step towards mutual understanding, which represents a major step in the right direction.
    We wish you success in future!
    @ fred/ translator:
    Please be so kind and have my comments translated into English
    @ haenschen:

  • herzlichen dank für die teilnahme von allen. einige hatten wirklich eine weite anreise und es gab viele interessante dinge zu besprechen. auch der “feine” unterschied zwischen ost – und westküste war ein thema, welches vielfältig besprochen wurde.
    besonderer dank an mr. ibrahim & frau und herrn kapilah für ihr erscheinen.
    im endergebnis würde es uns freuen, wenn es wieder mehr tourismus generell in sri lanka – insbesondere an der ostküste – geben würde. es war sicher ein kleiner schritt zur verständigung, aber sicher auch ein wichtiger.

    viel erfolg allen weiterhin !

    mfg., hänschen

    @ fred:
    sei bitte so nett und übersetze es verständlich für alle ins englische. danke

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