As the Probably first ever (1995)A? Web Site in Sri Lanka begs to differ.
With the Nation’s Tourism Czar Mr. George Michael’s statement below.
Successful advertising campaigns do not have to cost a fortune.
Your Queensland counterparts, we feel, have invested just 1Mill Rs./ VERY well.
Ideas is what counts – and a change of direction.
See sample of a good advert below.
Facebook, Twitter, UTube and whatever: These are further great, very good, new and and even totally free marketing tools.
What can we do to match this coup from down under?
(So are we…….since 2004A? 😉
What is your strategy?
How can we assist?

What happens if a global tourism marketing campaign dresses up as a job recruitment drive? A global reality TV show gets under way.
Tourism Queensland launched its Best Job in the World competition in January hoping to generate fresh interest in Australia’s sunshine state – a dream location, according to the locals, that is beautiful one day, and perfect the next. Continue reading ‘Better than The BBC & CNN and Al that Jazz!’
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