Arugam’s History and more photos on the above link
- 1951 – 2014
(This article was first published with a different headline 9th Febr. 2007)
The entire Bay is in shock
We have been informed of the loss of our Greatest legend:
Guru RAM of Sooriya’s.
We A?have just been notified that the cremation will take place today
In or near PottuVille Town.
Monday, 17th February, 2014 at around 15:00 hrs.
Our local correspondent will attend and report.
Everyone is VERY, VERY sad.
What a great loss – what a great, humble man he was.
The above photo, taken in Arugam Bay today tells a long story in one single shot.
Shown is Ramana Sooriya with a copy of the Travel novel by Claudia Ackermann.
“Der Krokodilfelsen” is based on true events in the early 1980’s, focused on Ulla village which Arugam Bay was known as then. will provide more details, one is working on an English translation of this relevant and interesting novel. We also have added a direct link to Amazon for you to be able to order any book directly through our site.
I am so grateful that I met Ram. He had a whimsical grace about him that will forever be imprinted in my heart. I believe that his humble, generous ways gave him a life full of love, friendships and real connections. Sending love to his sweet wife and his family and his ‘home people’. You will always be greatly missed Ram. Legend.
This one is for you Guru Ram:
With Love,
Hello Dear Friends,
I am Sooriya Kumar, a brother of Ram’s, and I live in Hawaii. I was in Arugam Bay for the funeral, and am now back in Hawaii. Please inform to all friends and family of Ram of his passing. I would greatly appreciate it. Contact me if you can. If you would like, please inform your friends of my contact information. I look forward to your replies, and you are all welcome to my farm in Hawaii. My email is
Om Shanthi. Sooriya
Thank you Ram, for being you, happy times, inspiring conversations, and a wondeful library.
My family and i wish the widow love and strenght, to cope with this sudden departure.
love, Saray
Om namah baba Ram.
It is a very sad day to hear of the passing of Ram. To put it simply,- “big things come in small packages”, this was Ram indeed. I very much enjoyed the opportunity,when in Arugam Bay, to sit down & have a talk on a very wide range of subjects.He was very much instrumental in the coming together of my now Arugam bay wife, Sunethra— A very sad day indeed, — God Bless,-Ram!
Our (foreign) admin did not know that.
You are 100% correct!
Thanks for pointing it out to us.
This entire post will be updated
As soon as we have more details.
Very sorry for this !
The meaning of crocodile tears is “when some one pretend s to cry without feeling s or a language phrase ..
Hi Fred,
Hope you are well and still loving life in Arugam Bay. That was really weird, I was just having a look at this website remeniscing about the summer of fun in A-Bay we all had last year and suddenly saw lots of my photo’s in the gallery!! I wondered how the site had got hold of them and then after reading your name I then remembered I had given you some photo’s in your internet shop….very random!! Well Jono are I are still on our travels, since we left sri lanka in Auguust we have been all through south east asia, myanmar, china and we are now currently in Oz, tearing up the east coast in our van surfing at every single spot, its great!! I hope to be back in a-bay one day, It definatly holds some of the greatest memories of my trip so far and cant wait to get back and see everyone again. seeing the picture of Ram made me smile, say hi to him for me please.
Ok, well take care, I hope the Siam is going well and good luck for next season!!
all the best