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3 Responses to “”

  • Hi,

    We are doing Sugar manufacturing. Most of people Monaragala District survive on this Company. Actually we are not produce arrack and also we don’t have bottling plant also. At mean time our managing director also don’t like to manufacturing of arrack. So some companies come and buy Molasses.
    In these days some sort of Sugar Cane. But now we are supporting to farmers giving free land preparation and then it would be better in near future.

    Accountant (MIS)

  • Interesting, Mr. Lalith.
    Maybe you can answer the question we have been asked a few times:
    “What does Pelwatte ‘Sugar’ Industries actually do?”
    Some say it is a Sri Lanka way of not saying: It is an Arrack Distillery.
    Others say you actually make sugar out of sugar cane there at Pelwatte.
    So please enlighten us all!
    Your Webmistress,

  • Hi Im Lalith, SL 30 Years.
    Working Pelwatte Sugar Buttala, Monaragala Dis.



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