Great places to surf: Arugam Bay

Q: Where are the best places to surf that few people know about?

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Arugam Bay. Renowned for its surf & backpacker heaven

By Rod Gilmour 4:01PM GMT 24 Nov 2010


Further afield try Purchase penegra india Arugam Bay on the southern tip of Sri Lanka. Renowned for its surf, it is a haven few backpackers know about and is back on the map following the devastating tsunami.

The British Surfing Association estimate that there are around 500,000 regular surfers in the UK. With popularity gaining every year, those hardy souls who crave wave after wave are finding their territory spoilt by a multitude of weekenders. If you want to surf in relative peace then searching Britain’s coastlines for those secret waves is the answer. It also means days away. Sandwood Bay, about as far North as you can venture on the Atlantic west coast of Scotland, is one of those places. After leaving the car 4.5 miles from the beach, the first challenge is the walk with the surf boards and tents (don’t forget your map). Once there, you will be amongst only a handful of souls on one of the most isolated and picturesque beaches Britain has to offer.

Further afield try Arugam Bay on the southern tip of Sri Lanka. Renowned for its surf, it is a haven few backpackers know about and is back on the map following the devastating tsunami.

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