Monthly Archive for July, 2006

Berliner Tagesspiegel

A?a??A?Wie in KriegszeitenA?a??A?
In Sri Lanka wird fast tA?A?glich geschossen, berichtet der Regionalkoordinator der Welthungerhilfe A?a??a?? das erschwert die Arbeit vor Ort

Von Ingrid MA?A?ller
Berlin – Mit Sorge verfolgen Mitarbeiter von Hilfsorganisationen die jA?A?ngsten Entwicklungen im brA?A?chigen Friedensprozess auf Sri Lanka. Die srilankische Luftwaffe bombardierte am Samstag den vierten Tag in Folge Stellungen der tamilischen Rebellen im Osten des Inselstaats. Bei den Angriffen wurden seit Mittwoch mindestens 13 Rebellen getA?A?tet. Am Freitag hatte Finnland erklA?A?rt, es werde aus SicherheitsgrA?A?nden seine zehn Mitarbeiter aus der Beobachtermission abziehen, die den 2002 geschlossenen Waffenstillstand A?A?berwacht.

A?a??A?Eigentlich ist damit das ganze Waffenstillstandsabkommen ungA?A?ltig, und es mA?A?sste ein neues geschlossen werdenA?a??A?, sagte Heinz Seidler, Regionalkoordinator der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe in Colombo, dem Tagesspiegel am Sonntag zu der finnischen Entscheidung. DA?A?nemark will dem Beispiel Helsinkis folgen. Die beiden Staaten geben damit einer Forderung der Rebellenorganisation Tamilische Befreiungstiger (LTTE) nach. Die EuropA?A?ische Union hatte die Tamilentiger im Mai als Terrororganisation eingestuft, daraufhin weigerten sich die Rebellen, kA?A?nftig mit Vertretern aus EU-Staaten zusammenzuarbeiten, und forderten deren Abzug bis zum 1. September.

Der 60-kA?A?pfigen Beobachtermission gehA?A?rten neben Finnland und DA?A?nemark bisher Schweden, Island und Norwegen an. Norwegen hatte in den Verhandlungen zwischen der LTTE und der vorwiegend singhalesischen Regierung in Colombo die FA?A?hrungsrolle. Die Tamilen kontrollieren weite Teile im Norden und Osten der Insel und fordern fA?A?r diese die Autonomie. Nach tamilischen Angaben wird der norwegische Sonderbeauftragte Jon- Hanssen Bauer zu weiteren GesprA?A?chen erwartet.

Die Gewalt war auf Sri Lanka in den vergangenen Monaten wieder eskaliert. Erst im Juni wurde der dritthA?A?chste Befehlshaber der srilankischen Armee bei einem Selbstmordattentat in der Hauptstadt Colombo getA?A?tet. Anfang Juli gab es einen schweren Anschlag in der NA?A?he von Trincomalee mit sieben Toten und 15 Verletzten. A?a??A?Die Situation A?A?hnelt wieder den KriegszeitenA?a??A?, sagte Seidler. Nahezu tA?A?glich gebe es SchieA?A?ereien vor allem zwischen MilitA?A?rs, LTTE und den paramilitA?A?rischen Splittergruppen der LTTE.

Wegen der politischen Spannungen mussten bereits A?a??A?drei-, viermalA?a??A? die Mitarbeiter der Welthungerhilfe aus Vavuniya und Kilinochchi im Norden sowie Trincomalee im Osten nach Colombo abgezogen werden. Nicht zuletzt wegen der Zusammenarbeit mit der einheimischen Organisation Sewalanka sei die Arbeit in den Projekten fA?A?r die Tsunami-Opfer immer weitergegangen, sagt Seidler. A?a??A?Wir kommen ganz gut voran.A?a??A? Derzeit gebe es allerdings A?a??A?rasch mal eine ganze Woche VerzA?A?gerungA?a??A?, weil die mit Baumaterial beladenen Lastwagen an der Grenze zu den Tamilengebieten von der Regierung sehr streng kontrolliert wA?A?rden. Diese befA?A?rchten offenbar, dass mit Stahl oder Zement Bunkeranlagen gebaut werden kA?A?nnten. A?a??A?Wir sind froh, dass die Fahrzeuge A?A?berhaupt fahren dA?A?rfenA?a??A?, sagte Seidler.

Insgesamt beurteilt er die Lage allerdings wenig optimistisch. Die A?a?zchtung der LTTE durch die EU habe die Arbeit fA?A?r die Hilfsorganisationen schwieriger gemacht. Mehrere Organisationen hatten der EU in den vergangenen Wochen vorgeworfen, sie ergreife damit im Friedensprozess einseitig die Partei der Regierung. Bei Angriffen beider Seiten seien Zivilisten betroffen. Die Regierung in Colombo laste nun alle ZwischenfA?A?lle der LTTE an, obgleich offenkundig auch die paramilitA?A?rische Absplitterung der LTTE unter Oberst Karuna die HA?A?nde im Spiel habe, meint Welthungerhilfe-Koordinator Seidler. Er bezweifelt, dass sie nur auf eigene Rechnung arbeitet. A?a??A?Man hat das GefA?A?hl, da lA?A?uft etwas sehr Schmutziges.A?a??A? Ihn beunruhigt, dass seine Organisation, anderes als zur LTTE, zu der paramilitA?A?rischen Gruppe keinen Kontakt hat. Die Mitarbeiter hA?A?tten inzwischen sehr genaue Sicherheitsanweisungen, dazu gehA?A?re zum Beispiel, sich von militA?A?rischen Fahrzeugen fernzuhalten.

Erst am Freitagnachmittag war die Situation rund um den Unruheherd Trincomalee wieder eskaliert. Die LTTE hat in der Region ein Wasserreservoir gesperrt, mit dem 15 000 Reisbauern auf Regierungsgebiet ihre Felder bewA?A?ssern. Die Armee flog nach Regierungsangaben mehrere Angriffe. Die Tamilentiger forderten in GesprA?A?chen mit der Beobachtermission, vor der Freigabe des Wassers mA?A?sse unter anderem ein Embargo gegen Lieferungen von Lebensmitteln und Baumaterialien ins LTTE-Gebiet aufgehoben werden. A?a??A?Im Moment sieht das nicht gut ausA?a??A?, sagte Seidler Nasonex price malaysia Buy innopran xr

Around us

Around us

Some photos of our surrounding at Arugam Bay.

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Recovery dreams wiped out in Sri LankaA?a??E?s surf capital

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ARUGAM BAY, Sri Lanka, July 21 (Reuters) – Sitting on a bed in a surf shack overlooking the Indian Ocean, 33-year-old rickshaw driver A.L. Salaheen watches the handful of surfers catch the morning waves.

This year was supposed to be the best ever for Sri LankaA?a??E?s surf capital of Arugam Bay.

Four years after a ceasefire halted the islandA?a??E?s civil war and more than a year since the 2004 tsunami, the town hoped it had bounced back.

“Last year there were not enough cabanas because of the tsunami and lots of customers,” Salaheen told Reuters. “Now there are lots of cabanas and no customers.”

Dozens, including foreign surfers who have been visiting the resort since the 1970s, died when the tsunami slammed ashore in Arugam Bay. Even 100 metres back from the coast, whole buildings were swept away by waters perhaps 15 to 20 feet high.

But less than six months later, surfers descended on the town on Sri LankaA?a??E?s southeast coast for the World Championships. Hoteliers, most of them without insurance, pulled together money to rebuild and take advantage of the goodwill and publicity.

“This year we were hoping for real big money,” says Naleen, co-owner of the Tsunami Hotel, named for the big surfing waves and then completely destroyed by its namesake.

“This should be the peak season. But this is the worst in years. People have been scared away.”

Renewed violence between Sri LankaA?a??E?s government and Tamil Tiger rebels has killed more than 700 people so far this year, most of them since early April, raising fears of a return to war and scaring away all but the hardiest tourists.


There has been no violence in Arugam Bay so far. But it is only a few miles from areas in the east where the Tigers, government and a breakaway group of ex-rebels frequently clash.

“People see there is trouble in the Eastern Province and they do not realise there has been nothing in Arugam Bay,” said Naleen.

While overall tourist figures for Sri Lanka have so far held, visitors have been staying away from Arugam Bay, leaving newly rebuilt hotels empty.

When Reuters visited recently, hoteliers estimated there were only about 25 visitors in town, compared to the 600 they had been hoping for. Many of the visitors were aid workers taking a break from reconstruction work further north.

But hard-core surfers, some of whom first came through the chain of army checkpoints around Arugam Bay at the height of the war, seem largely unconcerned. Indeed, some are glad there is a dearth of tourists.

When the first hippy surfers came to the area in the late 1970s, they slept in villagersA?a??E? huts or out on the beach under the stars. Swiss physiotherapist Nadim Ismail first came before the ceasefire and says since the town has changed for the worse.

“The atmosphere has changed,” he says, sipping a beer after a day on the water. “People are much more money-centred. But the atmosphere is much more relaxed again this year.”


That said, heA?a??E?s wary of the Police Special Task Force commandos as they patrol through the town carrying M-16 and AK-47 assault rifles.

During the war, Ismail says the relationship between the surfers and the security forces was awkward, and might become so again.

Once, he says the surfers protested to the local base commander after an ethnic Tamil boy was imprisoned and beaten up by police. That worsened the relationship, but they managed to build bridges with a friendly football game with the commandos.

“We were one nil up at one stage,” he says. “But they won 7-1. It was a really friendly game.”

For some of the hotel owners, the new, quieter Arugam Bay is good and bad.

“Commercially, itA?a??E?s not very pleasant,” says Briton Steve John, who has just rebuilt a hotel after the tsunami. “But in other ways, it is very… pleasant.”

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In and around our famous Bay
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Okanda Surf Point


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Ghost spotted in Arugam Bay

Ghost spotted in Arugam Bay

Is this a trick of firelight and smoke or did a mediaeval knight appear on the beach in Arugam Bay last weekend?

I like to think its the latter… where better for a spirit to hang out than on a beach in Sri Lanka…

The fuzzy silhouette is Clody, but above her right shoulder.. there he is, walking/floating from left to right…. a ghost image of Crusader Knight….

Ghost image

In close up and after fiddling with the brightness it still looks a bit like a ghost in a white cassock thing, with a red St. George cross, and grey, chainmail covered arms and a helmet on his head.

Ghost Image

I think further scientific study is require… don’t you?


Rhythmic Diaspora said…
It could be a left over England football supporter. Left Germany and found themselves in Arugam Bay. These kind of things are surprisingly common.

Billy said…
I think you could be right….. where better to hide ones shame at a pathetic world cup performance than in a land of cricketers, on a beach for surfers?

Anonymous said…
Dawg, whatever shit you were smoking that night at Arugam Bay was definitely good shit.. can I have some too?

Buy cheap cymbalta no prescription Rhythmic Diaspora said…
They didn’t plan on you and your camera did they!!

Theena said…

I hear the *ahem* “herbal substances” in Arugam Bay is of fantastic quality. I am now a believer.

But seriously though, that is some optical illusion. The second picture, where you’ve zoomed in and adjusted the brightness, is actually pretty freaky.

It can happen though. I live near St Lucias Cathedral in Kotahena. In the nights when you are passing by, it appears that the statue of Jesus is waving. First time I saw it, I was high, but I saw it sober too.

childof25 said…
seems a tad short for a Crusador no? 🙂

Yanik said…
Ill be in A’bay next weekend..Cant wait, hope i see the dude..

Billy said…
Thanks for the comments, I’ve never been called ‘Dawg’ before. I like it.

The Kotahena Cathedral, with the waving Jesus sounds interesting, bizarre but interesting.

Herbal substances were no where in sight I’m happy to report. Although maybe my Canon EOS sneaked off for a doobie whilst I wasn’t looking.

Byron&Emma said…
I personally believe there is a direct correlation between Crusader ghost sitings and playing dungeons and dragons as a kid. Though I do hear the buddhists are glowing in Sri Lanka.. my money’s on the crusader with its strength, agility and horsemanship to kick the little fat kids ass.

Sammy Reilly said…
Hi Billy,

I think ‘dawg’ is rather you. . .

Great photos too!

Lots of love
Sammy xxxxx