Monthly Archive for May, 2005

Arugam and PottuVille: Abandoned by the ‘Socialist’ Government


“The grotesque picture of devastation is slowly emerging and haunting us. The real brunt of the tsunami was taken by the eastern part of the island. The principal town, Pottuvil, has seen the worst disaster in its living memory”.

Pictures: Clare Doyle, cwi

Siritunga Jayasuriya, General Secretary United Socialist Party (cwi, Sri Lanka) and Jagadish Chandra, Socialist Alternative (cwi, India).


These words which began the last article we wrote from Sri Lanka are an all too accurate description. As we arrived again in the eastern part of Sri Lanka, a graveyard silence greeted us – scores of eyes tired of crying for their kith and kin who were taken by the killer Tsunami.

Arugambay early 2005

There are “families” who have lost everybody except one male member who had gone to the town or who was safely fishing in the deep sea. There is not a single household which has not been devastated by death and destruction in the world famous Arugambay surfing village. Now streets of debris are all that is left to see of what was once a booming tourist spot as well as busy fishing community.

No notable help was forthcoming to the poor affected at Ullai (Arugam)

The relief team of the United Socialist Party (USP, CWI in Sri Lanka) visited the Pottuvil area again on the week-end 22 to 24 January and visited all the villages and hamlets where the USP already has a base. Apart from the Pottuvil town, the villages such as Ullai, Sinnaullai and Komari have seen the dancing of death in their own eyes. The team could see the fear of the sea still instilled in the helpless eyes of the villagers of Pottuvil district.

Government lies

Though a lot of claims are being made by the government agencies and the sycophantic electronic media, that fast relief is being meted out to the victims of the tsunami and most of them are rehabilitated, the USP team could see for itself that it was a big white lie concocted to show to the western world and the donor countries.

On the hot sands of Arugambay, there once stood a lively town mostly of Tamil-speaking Muslims. But today the only reminder of that scene is the debris and some concrete floors which had little houses on them with lots of children. The claims of the government that they have set up pukka relief camps is a travesty of justice to these poor people, who have had to build their own thatched shelter with whatever was salvaged from the disaster.

The government is treating the victims of tsunami as some sort of beggars by giving just a weekly ration of rice, lentils, sugar, flour etc. and wash their hands of responsibility for anything else. The paltry sum of five thousand rupees for the funeral of the victims is the only cash that the affected have seen and received from the government.

To rub salt on the wounds of the surviving disaster victims, the government expects them to queue up to register in order to receive the promised five thousand rupees as a start up grant. You cannot imagine the scores of bruised, sick, fearful and dejected people queuing up for this so-called help from the government. Even the distribution of relief material such as temporary shelters and household goods smacks of partiality along ruling coalition lines.

Class Bias

The tsunami has washed away many things such as houses, boats, catamarans, fishing nets and other livelihood articles, but the devil of Class Bias stands firmly rooted in society.

The government has suddenly woken up to the fact that there is a rule that nobody should build anything within 100 metres of the sea. While it wants to apply this rule stringently now, the most adversely affected would be the poor fishermen folk. Some of the rich and foreigners are already flouting the law and building dwellings and businesses

within the stipulated areas.

The communal Janata Vimukthi Perumuna (JVP) is taking advantage of the post-tsunami situation and has set its own agenda. In the Pottuvil area for example it has tried to communalise the whole town by making false claims on a piece of land in a predominantly Muslim area to put up a Buddhist statue.

Socialist crisis management center

The USP district centre at Pottuvil town has become a sort of socialist crisis management centre for the tsunami affected people; it has become an ongoing meeting spot for them to discuss everything that is worrying them. The USP has tried to meet the challenge of organizing its own relief operation to help some of the disaster affected people who are directly linked to the party in one way or the other.

It has distributed some essential items such as cement, bricks, cycles, household utensils and kerosene stoves to some of the comrades who were affected. But doing relief work here is like a cat saying that it would drink all the water in the ocean; it was a daunting task for all the comrades to decide how to manage on the resources available.

The fantastic work done by the comrades in Pottuvil must be saluted. It has stretched the comrades physically to the maximum, but this sacrifice has its own rewards. Most of the adult population have turned up at the meetings when the USP team was there, and most of them said that they are going to join the USP – the only party which came there to help at the hour (if not the minute!) of need.

Further work of USP

This week-end (29 and 30 January) the USP team is going to the south of the country to carry on the party sponsored relief for the comrades and supporters of the USP. A special broadsheet is being planned with the name a??Tsunami Janahandaa?? (Voice of the Tsunami Victims) to expose the government and to put forward a socialist programme for the fight-back. Later, in the month of February, a mass poster campaign is planned.


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Post Tsunami Chat SVH Focus

Zeige EintrA?ge 1 – 20 von 27 A?ltere EintrA?ge A?
Name Kommentar
Wolfgang erstellt am 27-03-2005 um 09:36 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

We arrived in arugam yesterday morning. The power is working. The telephone not yet. We are working on that but please may expect another full week.
At the moment I do reports about each single place in arugam bay.
We spoke to officials at the Sri Lankan Government in Colombo. To get results needs plans such as business plans for the entire region. As soon as possible we publish all at the homepage. Please be sorry, everything is very difficult. We try to hurry for all. So far I give you some infos at the forum only. I check daily. Tommkorrow more.
Kind regards
Anne-Marie LEURION erstellt am 21-03-2005 um 09:09 Uhr Email an Anne-Marie LEURION

Hello from France to you all in Germany
This forum is a great idea but please ! think to the poor people who can't speak german (and couldn't have seen the report on focus tv either).
We were in Arugam bay last summer and follow since the tsunami all the huge and selfless efforts of the SVH Team (thank you Wolfgang).
And if we don't know Fred and his friends, we feel close to them and to the people in A BAY. You can help them in any way, send money of course, they need it. But you can also for you next trip think to go or come back there : fill up the guest houses and hotels is also a good way to give work to everybody and enable them to start again…
And thank you to write in english from time to time.
Wolfgang erstellt am 21-03-2005 um 08:33 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

Back in the tropics. Its my second day. We been at the German embassy already and hopefully there will be some support for our projects to serve whole Arugam Bay for a better future. The next few days we have more appointments with officials in Colombo.
As soon as we are in Arugam Bay and connected to the internet you may expect detailed reports about everybody and everything.
So far I do not yet answer any mails. We are in a hurry to get connected to serve all information to you. Please do not hesitate to let us know about your meaning and thanks a lot to all for your assistance in the past.
Yours truly


Wolfgang erstellt am 17-03-2005 um 17:10 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

Sowie ich in der Bay bin werde ich mich mit anderen um diese Frage kA?mmern. Die interessiert mich besonders. Bitte rechnet mit bis zu 10 Tagen bis Ihr darauf eine genaue Antwort bekommt.
Meines Wissens gibt es im Moment in Arugam keine Tauchschule. Vor der Bay liegen verschiedene Wracks in Tauchtiefe von bis zu 30 metern. A?ber die Korallen weiss ich noch nicht Bescheid und will das selbst sehen.
Setze mich dafA?r ein eine Tauchschule zu etablieren. Investoren gesucht!
Also in KA?rze alle Antworten zu dieser Frage.
Bin vorA?bergend nicht erreichbar. Bei wichtigen Fragen zur Arugam Bay kA?nnt Ihr Euch auch telefonisch an Monika Kahrs wenden. Tel: 0174 211 55 78
robert erstellt am 17-03-2005 um 13:38 Uhr Email an robert

sind vorort taucher nA?tig um riffe zu sA?ubern oder einige vermisste gegenstA?nde aus dem meer zu bergen? wenn ja wieviele fA?r wie lange und sind kompressoren vorort? wer ist ansprechpartner?
Moni Kahrs erstellt am 16-03-2005 um 20:13 Uhr Email an Moni Kahrs

Lieber Franz,
dein Posting auf arugam.bay lA?sst uns hoffen:
Also, da gibt es verschiedene MA?glichkeiten, Geld fA?r Fred zu A?berweisen, alle Bankverbindungen finden sich auch auf

Falls jemand wirklich einen Riesenbatzen spenden mA?chte, sozusagen Fred wieder richtig heftig auf die FA?sse helfen, aber dafA?r eine Spendenquittung fA?rs Finanzamt braucht, kann er auch gerne seine Fred-Sprende auf das Konto des Rotary Club A?berweisen:

Rotary Club of Capital City
ACCOUNT NUMBER/Konto-Nr. : 0760121479CU

WofA?r Geld gebraucht wird?
Das steht hier:
Liebe GrA?sse & vielen Dank

franz gehrold erstellt am 16-03-2005 um 19:21 Uhr Email an franz gehrold

ich bin der tonmann der auf sri lanka an dem focus tv bericht mitgewirkt hat. ich wA?rde gerne versuchen ein bisschen geld bei meinen freunden fA?r das “siam view” hotel und fred netzkamp aufzutreiben. hierfA?r wA?re es wichtig
genauere hinweise bezA?glich einer bankverbindung vom SVH zu haben. wie kann man schnell helfen, fA?r was wird wieviel geld gebraucht?
gut wA?re vielleicht auch die kommunikation A?ber das focus tv forum auf der seite. damit die leute hier und dort merken das etwas passiert. wie ich das ganze verstehe ist die sache ja ziemlich eilig.
mit freundlichen grA?ssen
Wolfgang erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 22:37 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

Habe das Video als DVD in DVD QualitA?t. Leider aber habe ich weder Zeit, noch richtige Software um das ins Web zu bringen. Das mA?sste geschnitten werden et.. Sorry kann das im Moment nicht.
Kenne aber noch weitere Leute. Werde mal fragen?
Bert und Sylvia erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 22:03 Uhr Email an Bert und Sylvia

Hallo Wolfgang, wir hatten die News zu Arugam sehr vermisst und jetzt wiedergefunden. Klasse und Danke!
Wir sind im Juli in SL und kommen auch nach Arugambay. Wir melden uns bei Fred.
Axel Goerke erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 21:33 Uhr Email an Axel Goerke Homepage von Axel Goerke

FOCUS-Bericht!Auch ich hA?tte groAYes Interesse an dem Bericht! Meine Klasse hat innerhalb kA?rzester Zeit a?? 1000.- aufgetrieben – 'Kinder helfen Kindern' und sie wA?rden sehr gerne mal Bilder aus ABAy sehen. A?ber eine Mail oder andere Infos wA?re ich sehr dankbar!


chris + betty erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 21:13 Uhr

Hi Fred,wir haben am Sonntag auch die Reportage von Focus TV gesehen und waren schockiert das bei euch immer noch keine Hilfe ankam… Verdammt, wir kommen aus Deutschland, eines der LA?nder aus denen am meisten gespendet wurde! Die Flut ist 2,5 Monate her, aber wohin ist nun das ganze Geld geflossen?!?
Wir waren im August 2003 fA?r zwei Wochen in Arugam Bay und hatten eine tolle Zeit, deswegen sind wir auch sehr betroffen A?ber die schlimmen Bilder + Nachrichten. Wir A?bernachteten allerdings nicht bei euch im Siam View sondern in Sooriyas Beach Hut. Kannst du uns was A?ber den Besitzer sagen? Gehts ihm gut? Kann mich nicht mehr genau erinnern, aber ich glaube er heiAYt Sunil.
Alles Gute fA?r eure Zukunft und hoffentlich bis demnA?chst!

Viele GrA?AYe
Chris + Betty

SVH Team, Arugam Bay erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 10:34 Uhr Email an SVH Team, Arugam Bay Homepage von SVH Team, Arugam Bay

Wie kann man am Besten helfen? Wenn so etwas schreckliches noch mal passiert?

Antwort :
Gelernt ist gelernt!
Leute, wir wissen zwar nicht alles; das tun ja immer nur die oft unweitgereisten grossen Organisationen vor Ort; allerdings haben wir keinen Zweifel das die Antwort denkbar einfach ist.
Glaubt uns, wir haben beste Erfahrungen!
Trotz Globaltourismus noch nie im Notstandgebiet gewesen? Dann bleibt besser erstmal zu Hause
Spendet nichts and die Organisationen; das kann der Staat machen und kontrollieren
Mit IT kann man viel erreichen, deshalb koennt Ihr eventuell mit euren Faehigkeiten mehr erreichen als zu reisen
Wenn Ihr das Land kennt und Ihr glaubt das Ihr Faehigkeiten – egal welcher Art – besitzt die am Ort des Geschehens nuetzlich sein koennten:
Packt nur Sachen ein die Euch allein helfen werden, das Beste aus Euch hervorzuholen: Und dann bucht den naechsten Flieger direkt dahin wo es am Noetigsten erscheint
Wenn Ihr durch fruehere Reisen ein paar Leute oder Gesaefte kennt die betroffen sind, fahrt da hin; Ihr kennt Euch ja schon
Analysiert die Lage und setzt Eure Faehigkeiten und Erfahrungen sofort ein:
Das kann handwerklich sein, medizinisch, oder einfach nur um gut zuzuhoeren, zu troesten, den Leuten zu zeigen das die Welt sie nicht vergessen hat
Wenn ihr nichts besser machen koennt als Andere bereits vor Ort, zieht weiter. Bis Ihr jemand seht der Euch echt brauchen kann
Ganz automatisch verbindet sich dann euer alter Freundeskeis mit Erfahrungen, und eine neue, tiefe Verbindung wird aufgebaut.
Da man Euch zu Hause seit dem Schulalter kennt, tun Eure alten Freunde bestimmt das was Ihr empfehlt.
Setze alle Deine ganzen Verbindungen ein und helft direkt, jedem dem Ihr irgendwie helfen koennt
Vergesst nicht, auch oder sogar: hauptsaechlich den verbleibenen Geschaeften zu helfen, denn die beleben fast immer die gesamte loakle Wirtschaft und viele Familien leben dann wieder vom Einkommen allein
Das oben ist das Resultat unserer eigenen Erfahrungen.
Die Selbsthilfe eines Freundeskreises ist viel besser als jede grosse Organisation es jemals sein kann.
Eure Gegenwart am Ort des Desasters ist wichtig; Eurer Reisegeld hilft allen sofort und direkt.

Was auch immer passiert, Euer Leben wird danach um viele Erfahrungen und Eindruecke reicher sein und Ihr habt durch diese Art des Desaster Tourismus echt was erreichen koennen.
Ihr lernt Land & Leute kennen wie sonst nicht anders moeglich.

SVH Team
Arugam Bay

SurferboyUlm erstellt am 15-03-2005 um 06:16 Uhr Email an SurferboyUlm

Hallo,ich habe auch den Bericht gesehen via Fokus – TV und denke Mal es wA?re wohl nicht verkehrt den Link auf allen mA?glichen Surfer und anderen vielbesuchten Foren- Web-Sites zu verbreiten.
Der Wiederaufbau des Hotels sowie anderer Einrichtungen sollte unter allen UmstA?nden weitergefA?hrt werden, da Solches mit den wiederkehrenden GA?sten A?berhaupt erst wieder Lebensgrundlage fA?r die Menschen dort schaffen kann.

Believe in the power of surfer's spirit,


Alex erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 15:51 Uhr

Hat jemand den Focus Beitrag vielleicht aufgenommen und kA?nnte den Beitrag als File im Internet zur VerfA?gung stellen? Ich war im Oktober 2004 in ABAY fA?r ein paar Tage, auf der Durchreise zu meinem Arbeitsplatz in Thailand, Khao Lak, wo ich auch am 26ten 04 war. Ich wA?rde den Beitrag gerne sehen, habe aber nur MA?glichkeiten A?ber das Internet… Oder wenn jemand mir ne DVD schicken kA?nnte? Ich bin immer noch in Khao Lak. 🙂

To Fred:
Hi there,
I struggle with my plan to open a hospitality training center here, nobody there to train in Service Industries anymore. But I see you guys have taken a very bad strike as well…
This is not a joke: Look out for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the next couple of weeks, for a lot of people the real problems are beginning just now.
Good Luck, keep up, I will try to visit you in May
Alex m

Sabine erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 15:48 Uhr Email an Sabine Homepage von Sabine

Hallo liebe Forumleser,ich habe seit 6 Jahren ein GA?sthouse in der NA?he von Unawatuna(Mihiripenna).Ich wir wurden am 26.12.weggeschwemmt.GA?ste kamen gottseidank nicht zu Schaden.Im Moment sind wir wieder soweit hergestellt das eigentlich vermietet werden kann.Aber wo sind die GA?ste ?Von staatlicher Seite oder von Organisationen kam keine Hilfe.Viele meiner GA?ste und Bekannten haben gespendet.Hier habe ich auch eine Spendenaktion laufen ,die versch. Schulen im Umkreis von Galle zugute kommen wird.Essenstisch,Toiletten etc.
Das Geld werde ich aber nicht aus der Hand geben und alles selbst organisieren,man weis ja wie es in Sri Lanka lA?uft!Wir sind direkt am Strand und haben groAYes Interesse an dem FrA?hwarnsystem per SMS ,wer kann mir nA?heres mitteilen ?Ich bin zur Zeit in Deutschland und fliege in ca.4 Wochen zurA?ck.Wenn ich irgendjemanden unten behilflich sein kann,bitte bei mir melden.
Gruss Sabine
Wolfgang erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 08:46 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

Spendenquittungen werden selbstverstA?ndlich, auf Anfrage, seit dem ersten Tag nach der Katastrophe ausgestellt ebenso wie Nachweise A?ber den Verwendungszweck!!
Monika Kahrs erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 08:24 Uhr Email an Monika Kahrs

Ich hatte schon ziemlich unmittelbar nach dem Tsunami zu Spenden fA?r Arugam Bay und das SVH Project aufgerufen, bekam jedoch oftmals zu hA?ren, dass man nur gegen eine entsprechende Spendenquittung etwas geben wolle.Inzwischen gibt es ein entsprechendes Wiederaufbauprojekt und Spendenquittungen kA?nnen ausgestellt werden! Dieses Projekt ist allerdings auch nur arbeitsfA?hig, wenn es finanziell unterstA?tzt wird und in den Genuss von Spendengeldern kommt.

FA?r Details, bitte e-mail an mich! Melde mich umgehend zurA?ck.

Wolfgang erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 08:22 Uhr Email an Wolfgang Homepage von Wolfgang

Hi HubertDu hast Recht. Auch private Kredite kA?nnen hier viel helfen. Einzig der A?berwA?ltigenden Hilfe privater Menschen ist es zu verdanken das man jetzt, fast drei Monate nach dem Tsunami A?berhaupt noch existiert.
Das Siam View Hotel ist A?brigens nur ein Beispiel fA?r viele. Die meisten anderen kA?mpfen mit A?hnlichen Problemen.
Wir sind momentan dabei auch detailierte PlA?ne zu erstellen. Es geht hier um den Wiederaufbau der Hotels aber auch um gemeinnA?tzige Projekte wie z.B. KlA?ranlage fA?r die gesamte Hotel Association die gerade neu strukturiert wird, Wellness Center mit kleiner Klinik, Schule fA?r alle BevA?lkerungsgruppen usw.
Sponsoren und Investoren sind dringend nA?tig.
NA?tig ist allerdings auch endlich die Hilfe von offizieller Seite.
Ich gehe in KA?rze, vorA?bergehend, nach Arugam um mich um diese Belange zu kA?mmern. Umfassende Reporte, PlA?ne etc. werden dann in der Homepage verA?ffentlicht.
Meine Mail Adresse:
Man kann mich in den nA?chsten Tagen auch anrufen:A?069-98192631
Meine mail Adresse:
H. R. erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 00:51 Uhr

nicht bis zum Beginn zurA?ck gelesen…
… aber private Kredite wA?ren doch was fA?r die Region. Denke viele ehemalige oder zukA?nftige GA?ste wA?ren dazu bereit.
Hubert R.
Hubert R. erstellt am 14-03-2005 um 00:46 Uhr Email an Hubert R.

Hallo Wolfgang,habe auch gerade den Focus-Bericht gesehen. Finde die Aufbauarbeit die gezeigt wurde sehr gut und unterstA?tzenswert. Und zwar nicht nur mit Spenden. Wenn ich gerade gut bei Kasse wA?re wA?rde ich dem deutschen Hotelbetreiber Netzband-MA?ller gerne fA?r lA?ngere Laufzeit einen privaten Kredit zukommen lassen … das wA?re doch wohl etwas, was dem einen oder anderen in der Region gut helfen kA?nnte sein kleines Paradies wieder fA?r die nA?chste Saison aufzubauen!
Kannst mir u. anderen Interessenten vielleicht eine E-Mail-Adresse ins Netz stellen, dass dem Mann geholfen wird!
Herzliche GrA?sse
Hubert R.

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Red Cross HQ in ‘An Arugam Bay’ Hotel

Reconstruction and invisible scars

From Till Mayer for CNN
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Posted: 0948 GMT (1748 HKT)

POTTUVIL, Sri Lanka (CNN) — Till Mayer is a journalist working for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Galle, Sri Lanka. He is writing about his experiences as part of the relief effort for

Part 1: Sunday, January 2

Part 2: Monday, January 10

Part 3: Tuesday, January 25

Tuesday, January 25

The crane is straining. The massive fishing boat swings in the air hanging meters above on steel ropes, between golden beach and blue sky.

The tsunami waves tossed heavy wooden vessels ashore on December 26 like paper boats. Now they lie scattered over the whole beach, stranded between palms.

Many of them are only wrecks. Broken wood, where rocks shattered the heavy planks. Maybe one day some of the boats can sail again. The crane starts with the clearing up.

I return to the car and continue the journey south towards Galle. To the left and right are remnants of the disaster.

Sometimes all that remains are heaps of stones, reminding me of the fishing huts that stood there one month ago. The rubble passes me by.

But there is not only destruction to see. Everywhere along the coasts of Sri Lanka people are still clearing up and sometimes even beginning to rebuild.

Fires burn beside the roads: mattresses, splintered timber and broken furniture transformed into ash.

From the debris the tsunami victims collect what is useful for reconstruction: roofing tiles, stones and corrugated sheet. Neighbors help each other.

And the aid workers of the Red Cross lend a hand. At the next stop the sun already beats down from the sky. Sweat runs down of the faces of 25 Red Cross volunteers from Bentota.

“Straight after the tsunami disaster I joined the Red Cross. Now I clear up the rubble with my friends”, says a 23-year old.

In the background a wrecked house rises up into the sky. The tidal wave shattered the timber roofs like matches, tearing away furniture, windows, doors, everything.

Red Cross workers, many young, push squeaking wheelbarrows along the affected coastline.

They provide first aid, clean salted wells, distribute humanitarian goods or transport clean drinking water.

The disaster has tapped into the humanitarian spirit and the number of Red Cross volunteers has increased, a fact Vpali Sirimanne is proud of.

Sirimanne is the honorary Red Cross chairman of the district of Bentota. He used to work as a full-time diving instructor. Before the tsunami he ran his own equipment and boat rental business. The wave destroyed everything.

Not far away a Red Cross truck stands next to the road delivering water. The pump is roaring, filling up a black plastic tank. The village inhabitants line up with cans and buckets. Clean drinking water is essential to avoid the outbreak of diseases and epidemics.

I think of my German Red Cross friends in Pottuvil. They prepare 120,000 liters of drinking water daily, supplying camps for the homeless. Then there are the two basic health care centers run by the Finnish and French Red Cross societies.

The tsunami has brought me back in touch with colleagues from other missions. Dieter Mathes is the German Red Cross ERU team leader, an aid-worker with decades of experience, and Konrad Kerpa, whom I met last year in Bam.

Then an enormous earthquake had transformed the entire Iranian city within seconds into a sea of rubble. Both disasters happened on December 26.

The city of Pottuvil looms — a particularly sad chapter in my Sri Lanka mission. The former paradise for surfers is now only a field of rubble. Thousands died here. I will never forget the sight of numerous corpses floating in the water. It was terrible.

The bridge between the city center and the former tourist area was destroyed. The German Red Cross water team managed to get water over the destroyed bridge using a 728-meter hose.

The German Red Cross is also operating a field hospital in the north of the country and is one of several National Societies working in close cooperation with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Sri Lanka Red Cross.

My journey continues. The road is hopelessly overcrowded. A railway track runs parallel to the road. Or rather, what remains of it. The waves bent the rails like play dough. Nearby an iron rail hangs over a palm trunk.

I come to the town of Tellwatte. The place looks like it a bomb site. What's left of the train station stands amid the rubble. Walls have been partly washed away. Villagers set up a Buddha statue on a broken roof, lost between the remains.

Behind the station a reddish-brown train appears. Over 1,400 people died when the wave hit the wagons, tearing the carriages apart. Heavy equipment has set the death train again on its track.

The bodies of the dead have been recovered, but still there are sad reminders. In front of the wagon lies a small doll, its legs ripped off. Its painted eyes staring into the sky. The girl, who played with the doll, is dead. The tsunami disaster claimed nearly 40,000 lives in Sri Lanka. An incomprehensible number.

Red Cross and Red Crescent planes and ships have brought tons of goods to the vulnerable. The first new houses are appearing while others are being reconstructed.

“The acute emergency phase is over, reconstruction can start”, says Axel Pawolek, the FACT team leader with the Federation.

One month after, it is still hard for me to comprehend the extent of the disaster.

If it is difficult for me as a visitor to this country, imagine how hard it is for the innocent, bewildered victims such as the children. In a few minutes the world as they knew it, was washed away. Beloved ones will never return again.

There are wounds you cannot see, and they will take a long time to heal. That is a further challenge for the Red Cross/Red Crescent.

Monday, January 10


The clean-up operation has begun in Pottuvil.

POTTUVIL, Sri Lanka — The advertising sign is lost in amid the rubble. On it is written “Tsunami Hotel” in big letters, and a giant wave is breaking over it.

A favorite place to stay for surfers from all over the world — until December 26.

Now the sign rises up in the sky like a monument. In a cruel irony, the tsunami has taken the hotel named after it.

Mohammed Ali passes by the remnants with slow steps. The disaster has made an old man out of the 52-year-old. The wave washed away his house like a sand castle, his brother-in-law will never return with his boat from fishing.

Heavy bruises cover the body of the fisherman. Every breath hurts. Deep inside there is a stronger pain. It will stay for a long time. Mohammed Ali knows it too well.

Along both sides of the road there are long rows of destroyed houses. Not long ago they were guest houses, small pubs and shops. Pottuvil was well known as a paradise for holiday makers. For Mohammed Ali that now seems a lifetime away.

“Sometimes I do not know what I should believe. That this sea of rubble is reality? Or that I am just dreaming? When I wake up, will I see again the bustling city with all the tourists and the owners of the restaurants, who are buying my fresh fish”, he says softly.

The leg of a plastic doll juts out of the rubbish that was swept up by the tsunami. Next to it lies a baby bottle. On a wall nearby a painting depicts a surfer riding a wave.

Mohammed tries to walk faster. He tries to avoid thinking about something which he is unable to find an explanation for.

A young man waves from a roof of a destroyed house. “Is everything okay with you?” he asks.

Mohammed Ali nods and the man continues to throw down the roof tiles that are still unbroken to another man who catches them cheerfully.

In Pottuvil like everywhere else alongside the coast of Sri Lanka people start to clean up, sometimes even to rebuild.

Marie Mauret, a psychologist with the French Red Cross basic health care unit in Pottuvil has been impressed with the coping mechanisms of the local community.

“People are really brave here. And there are so many volunteers to help us. Despite the sorrow everybody is working hard to cope with these terrible times. People are proactive. They do not wait until someone comes to help them, she says.

The Red Cross has erected a basic health care post in a hotel. Plastic sheeting covers holes in walls damaged by the tsunami.

Mohammed Ali takes a seat on a rickety chair. Like so many others he is waiting patiently to get treated. Word of the Red Cross health post is being spread by word of mouth. An island of safety in the sea of rubble.

The Red Cross mobile medical team has also been established to cover scattered temporary shelters south of Pottuvil to provide services to patients who would find it difficult to get to the center.

The psychological impact on the community is something that Mauret says cannot be stressed enough.

“Many of them are deeply traumatized. It is especially hard for children to understand what happened”, she says.

Children are finding it difficult to sleep and their rest is blighted by nightmares. They react by crying after the unbelievable things that happened to them and their families, like the girl who is being treated by a doctor at the center. The Red Cross-worker smiles at the girl, speaking calming words.

Where the town of Pottuvil ends, a green paradise stretches as far as the eye can see. In the sunlight lush green rice fields are shining. Between them palms and huge trees grow.

A road winds through the landscape and next to it are a couple of big blue water tanks. Here the German Red Cross emergency response unit is purifying up to 120,000 liters of drinking water a day for more than 15,000 affected people.

“Without our friends from the Sri Lanka Red Cross we would have had great trouble becoming operational. With a group of young Red Cross members we have been able to install everything fast. It is a good feeling to work in a strong team together with our local colleagues and friends”, says Dieter Matthes, the experienced German Red Cross-team leader.

Then he trudges through the mud to the water pump. Heavy rain is affecting the region. Many centers for displaced people are situated around the water-purification unit. Some of the fisher families who escaped from the beach found shelter here and receive water from the unit.

A few kilometers away there are the big white tents of the basic health care center established by the Finnish Red Cross. The unit also makes home visits and together with the center, providing vital health services to affected communities.

“In addition to delivering basic health care, we are promoting hygiene and health education which is vitally important for people who have lost everything”, says Red Cross doctor Ilkka Mikkonen.

Sunday January 2, 2005

GALLE, Sri Lanka — The waves are beating on gray stones, hiding the rubble in the sand. Between broken bricks and mud sticks a silver-colored lady's shoe. Behind it lies a piece of bent metal.

M.K. Ahula kicks a scratched teapot with his toe. Then he pushes his bicycle over the devastated area between the beach and the road, passing the remnants of a wall and a broken palm tree. This is all that is left of his house.

The wave washed everything away on December 26, together with seven members of his family, among them two babies, his mother and his eldest son.

It is hard to recover from such a disaster. Ahula gives the sea a quick glance. “I hate it,” the 34-year-old fisherman says softly.

He used to enjoy sailing in his boat, far out into the sea until the beach was only a tiny small yellow strip with the palm trees as a gray background. At night, he would see the lights of his hometown, Galle, reflected in the water.

Now, the sea has taken his boat and nets. If he still had his wooden craft, he would sell it for sure.

Ahula pushes his pedals. The rainy season has created large puddles in the bumpy street. Water splashes all around. But Ahula does not care about it. To his left and right, the street looks as if it has been bombarded.

The flood took anything that was not attached to the ground with concrete, flushing the rubble through the narrow alleys with terrible violence. Broken wooden beams and bent steel roofs are all that remain of the fishing huts along the coast.

In the center of the city. the old Portuguese fortress rises up against the sea. On the green lawn in front of it, people are gathering around a small lorry. They keep handkerchiefs against their noses and faces. When the breeze stops, the smell is unbearable.

Ahula stands against his bike. The four dead bodies are so heavenly swollen that relatives hardly recognize them. Today he will not find out anything about his three missing relatives.

The Buddhist Mahagoda temple is at a safe distance from the devastating sea. It seems like an idyllic picture for a postcard: Old walls surrounded by lush greenery. High trees protect against sun and rain. In the shadow stands an old Minor Morris.

The temple offers no clues that the city was struck by the tsunami. At first sight. nothing reminds of the death toll — believed to be 140,000 — among them about 30,000 in Sri Lanka alone.

But the harmony of the temple is misleading. Between its walls, 100 people left bereft of everything by the tsunami are looking for shelter.

A mini van rolls through the temple gate, carrying a team of young Red Cross volunteers. The pebbles crunch under their feet. Like so many other volunteers, these youngsters — aged 18 and 25 — are on the road providing first aid treatment. There are 2,500 volunteers on duty, cleaning wells, distributing goods and searching for the missing.

They also try to dispense some hope, to people like L.P. Seteen. The 72-year-old carpenter clutches his umbrella. There is no handle anymore. But it was the only thing he could get a hold on when he was running out of his house.

He describes in a soft voice to Red Cross leader Nandana Wickamanyake how he was able to save his own life.

“Thanks to God nobody of my family got killed. I am so thankful for this,” says the old man to the volunteer.

Meanwhile, some Red Cross volunteers put on bandages and disinfect wounds. Many of the homeless were injured when they escaped the wave.

Wickamanyake is proud of his group. “We have been on duty for days. Everybody is contributing all their energy. We must set an example. Now is the time for everyone to start cleaning up and rebuilding,” explains the 35-year-old.

Gradually, all traces of the destruction in Galle will disappear. In the lush green hills close to the city, the heavy sound of traffic roars among the palms and trees. Heavy Caterpillar machines are digging mass graves.

About 4,000 people have perished in the district of Galle. The last mass graves have already been filled up. Close by, Buddhist monks pray for the victims.

But the grief is touchable and will remain for a long time, long after the damage from the tsunami has been repaired.

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Berliner Zeitung

Frank Nordhausen
Hilflose Helfer
Sri Lanka braucht A?a?zrzte, Reis und Wasser – aber Sri Lanka braucht auch Leute, die wissen, wer und was gerade wo gebraucht wird
ARUGAM BAY, im Januar. Das Zelt ist leer, die beiden Helfer stehen da in ihren blauen Arztkitteln, die Binden und Pflaster und Ampullen, alles ist bereit, nur die Patienten fehlen. Hans Stechele schA?A?ttelt den Kopf, er versteht die Welt nicht recht an diesem Morgen. “Das liegt doch daran, dass die Franzosen vom Roten Kreuz in ihrer Station gerade wieder Curry und Reis verteilen”, vermutet er. Er mag kaum etwas Gutes A?A?ber die franzA?A?sischen Helfer sagen. “Die sitzen den ganzen Tag herum und machen SchA?A?nwettermedizin.” Aber, leider, sie haben mehr Patienten, hier in Arugam Bay.

Hans Stechele kommt aus Heilbronn, er ist 32 Jahre alt, Arzt fA?A?r Kindermedizin, und er hatte sich den Einsatz im Katastrophengebiet, “ehrlich gesagt”, etwas anders vorgestellt. Wenn er allerdings davon erzA?A?hlt, wie er nach Arugam Bay kam, an diesen verwA?A?steten Traumstrand im Osten von Sri Lanka, dann ist das alles nicht ganz A?A?berraschend. Der freiwillige Mitarbeiter einer kleinen Hilfsorganisation aus MA?A?nchen hat sich vor zwei Wochen zusammen mit einem Freund und einigen Kartons voller Medikamente auf den Weg gemacht, den Flutopfern zu helfen. Nur, dass er Sri Lanka nicht kannte und auch gar nicht wusste, wo und wie er zum Einsatz kommen sollte. “Wir haben im SA?A?den der Insel gesucht, aber festgestellt, dass es dort nicht an Medizin mangelte.” Sie mussten auch erkennen, dass schon jede Menge anderer A?a?zrzte auf der Suche nach Patienten waren. “Sie standen sich regelrecht auf den FA?A?A?A?en.”

Irgendwann hA?A?rten Hans Stechele und sein Freund von Arugam Bay, einem abgelegenen KA?A?stenort im Osten Sri Lankas. Als sie dort eintrafen, stellten sie jedoch fest, dass sie wieder zu spA?A?t kamen. Die Rot-Kreuz-Helfer aus Frankreich hatten schon alle schweren FA?A?lle verarztet. Auf einem Reisfeld, in einem weiA?A?en Zelt, erA?A?ffneten die Deutschen dennoch ihre Praxis fA?A?r Kindermedizin. Dort bekamen sie es zwar nicht mit gebrochenen Gliedern, aber mit Husten, Bauchschmerzen und Fieber zu tun, und das sind ja auch Krankheiten. “Normalerweise kommen auch Patienten”, sagt Hans Stechele. Normalerweise.

“Inzwischen ist die Hilfe an der OstkA?A?ste gesichert, auch der Nachschub an Wasser”, sagt Johannes Schraknepper, ein deutscher Arzt, der nicht weit von Arugam Bay in einem Notlazarett des finnischen Roten Kreuzes arbeitet. Im Osten Sri Lankas sieht man nun FlA?A?chtlingslager mit weiA?A?en und blauen Zelten. Inzwischen ist auch schweres RA?A?umgerA?A?t an vielen Orten eingetroffen, zwei Wochen spA?A?ter als im stA?A?rker entwickelten SA?A?den des Landes. Als dort bereits neue BrA?A?cken standen, gab es in Arugam Bay nicht einmal militA?A?rische Hilfe beim Suchen und Bergen der Toten – was mit der Armut im Osten und mit der fehlenden Aufmerksamkeit der Medien zu tun haben kA?A?nnte.

Jetzt beobachte man eher ein anderes PhA?A?nomen – hilflose Helfer, sagt der deutsche Arzt Schraknepper. Die Hilfswerke wA?A?rden oft ohne jede Landeskenntnis handeln, und lA?A?ngst seien auch die A?A?blichen RivalitA?A?ten ausgebrochen. “Manche Helfer kommen an, sind drei Tage da, verteilen Medikamente, die niemand braucht, und sind wieder weg. Andere werden hier hingeschickt, stellen fest, die KA?A?ste ist mit Hilfe abgedeckt, und streiten sich nun um den Verteilungskuchen.” Die Regierung aber sei mit der Lage vA?A?llig A?A?berfordert und werde von der Hilfe fA?A?rmlich A?A?berrollt.

Am Strand von Arugam Bay landen den ganzen Tag A?A?ber Marineboote an. Sie bringen AufrA?A?umtrupps, junge MA?A?nner aus Sri Lanka in Shorts mit Spaten und Hacken. Sie wollen die Schule im Ort von Schutt und MA?A?ll befreien. Sie marschieren durch die tiefen Furchen, die der Tsunami gerissen hat, als er die StraA?A?e im Ort unterspA?A?lte und die Auffahrt zu einer BrA?A?cke A?A?ber den Sund wegriss, die Arugam Bay mit dem Festland verbindet.

Die BrA?A?cke ragt nun ins Leere, deshalb kann das Dorf zurzeit nur per Boot erreicht werden. Noch immer liegen verkeilte Autos zwischen Betonbrocken und den Resten von Fischerbooten. Die Arbeiter passieren auf ihrem Weg durch das TrA?A?mmerfeld Zelte der Vereinten Nationen, sie sehen A?A?berlebende, die an provisorischen HA?A?tten zimmern, und sie sehen all jene jungen EuropA?A?er und Amerikaner in festen Stiefeln und Tropenwesten, die scheinbar ziellos in die eine oder andere Richtung streben.

“Ich bringe diese vier Ampullen auf die andere Seite der Lagune”, sagt Nick, ein bA?A?rtiger junger Mann von der amerikanischen WestkA?A?ste. “Man hat mir gesagt, dass dort die KrA?A?tze ausgebrochen ist. Und das hier hilft dagegen.” Mit quietschenden Reifen hA?A?lt ein Jeep, der aus der Gegenrichtung kommt. “Wo ist denn hier das SurfA?a??E?n Sun?”, brA?A?llt ein junger Mann, “wir haben Zement und einen Generator”. Ratlos stehen kanadische Soldaten an diesem Tag an der zerbrochenen BrA?A?cke.

Arugam Bay liegt in einer Region abseits der TourismusstrA?A?me. Die Gegend war zwanzig Jahre lang Kampfgebiet. Wie im Norden der Insel haben auch im Osten die tamilischen Rebellen immer wieder groA?A?e Gebiete in ihre Gewalt gebracht, auch in den UrwA?A?ldern um Arugam Bay. Trotzdem gab es fA?A?r Reisende einen guten Grund, die Armee-Checkpoints zu A?A?berwinden, um hierher zu kommen: Nirgends sonst auf Sri Lanka war die Brandung schA?A?ner. Viele Surfer verbrachten in den GA?A?stehA?A?usern ein ganzes Jahr, einige haben sich HA?A?user gekauft. Vielleicht hat der Ort deshalb jetzt eine besondere Art von Helfern angezogen.

Mit groA?A?en Augen betrachten die Einheimischen das Treiben der jungen AuslA?A?nder in ihrem Dorf. 5000 Menschen lebten in Arugam Bay, die Flutwelle hat 500 oder 700 mit sich gerissen, auch einige Touristen, im Dorf hat jede Familie Tote zu beklagen. Vorher lebten sie hier vom Fischfang, vom Reisanbau und auch vom Tourismus. Jetzt hocken sie unter den Planen und wissen nicht, was sie tun sollen. Die Nothilfe hat sie erreicht, wenn auch mit VerzA?A?gerung. “Es gibt genug zu essen, es gibt Medizin”, sagt ein Fischer, der seine Frau und zwei Kinder verloren hat. “Nur das Wasser, das sie uns geben, ist salzig. Man kann es nicht trinken.” Das franzA?A?sische Rote Kreuz hat in Arugam Bay eine schA?A?ne Wasseraufbereitungsanlage gebaut, nur kommt das Wasser aus einem Brunnen, der viel zu nah am Meer liegt.

Die Wasseraufbereitungsanlage steht genau dort, wo einmal der Rest des Siam View Hotels stand, einer Pension nicht weit vom Strand. Im Siam View Hotel geht es in diesen Tagen ein wenig zu wie in einer Jugendherberge. An der groA?A?en Tafel A?A?ber dem Tresen steht, das Essen sei umsonst, “und jeder gibt in die Kasse, was er kann”. Wenn es Abend wird, sitzen sie an den Holztischen, junge Menschen aus Deutschland, Italien und Amerika, Helfer und Idealisten, sie trinken Bier und reden.

Manfred Netzwand-Miller sitzt dann dazwischen. Er ist 54 Jahre alt, Deutsch-EnglA?A?nder, ein Abenteurer, der viel herumgekommen ist, frA?A?her mal Offizier der britischen Army war und jetzt Chef des Hotels ist. Nur ein kleiner Teil seines Hauses ist A?A?brig geblieben, als der Tsunami durch Arugam Bay fegte. Manfred Netzwand-Miller sagt, er versuche vor allem dafA?A?r zu sorgen, dass die Leute im Ort wieder Hoffnung schA?A?pfen. “Dass sie sich nicht hA?A?ngen lassen. Wir zeigen ihnen, wie man weitermacht. Das ist auch ein wichtiger Teil von Nothilfe.”

Netzwand-Miller hat sein Hotel zum Treffpunkt der Helfer gemacht – jener Helfer, deren Einsatz er mit einem gewissen Spott beobachtet. Sein GrundstA?A?cksnachbar, ein 35 Jahre alter DA?A?ne, sieht es A?A?hnlich. Er sagt nur immer wieder “chaotisch” und schA?A?ttelt den Kopf. “Absolut chaotisch.” Per JA?A?rgensen hat rotes, kurz geschnittenes Haar, einen rA?A?tlichen Bart und von der Sonne gerA?A?tete Haut. Auch er hat einen Generator organisiert und eine Pumpe, er hilft seinen einheimischen Nachbarn, ihre verstopften und mit Meerwasser vergifteten Brunnen zu sA?A?ubern. “Hier waren Leute von irgendwelchen Hilfsorganisationen, die haben Brunnen gesA?A?ubert und dann sind sie wieder verschwunden”, sagt er. “Aber niemand hat das Wasser der Brunnen anschlieA?A?end geprA?A?ft.” JA?A?rgensen hat nun einen Kontakt zu anderen Helfern hergestellt, die irgendwo im Busch ein Wasserlabor haben sollen. “Aber niemand organisiert hier irgendwas, es gibt nicht die geringste Koordination der Hilfe, vieles wird doppelt gemacht und anderes gar nicht”, sagt Per JA?A?rgensen.

Das Rote Kreuz immerhin hat zunA?A?chst Erkundungstrupps in die Notgebiete geschickt, auch in den Osten Sri Lankas, und dann erst MaA?A?nahmen ergriffen. Deutsche Rot-Kreuz-Helfer haben zum Beispiel bei Komari, einem vA?A?llig zerstA?A?rten Fischerdorf zwanzig Kilometer von Arugam Bay entfernt, eine Wasseraufbereitungsanlage errichtet, die ihr Wasser aus einem Fluss bezieht. Unweit davon haben finnische Rot-Kreuz-Helfer ihr Feldlazarett auf die grA?A?ne Wiese gestellt, haben Behandlungszimmer eingerichtet, in denen sie A?A?ber dreitausend FlA?A?chtlinge versorgen.

“Wir haben zum GlA?A?ck bisher nur Fieber, Bronchitis und Durchfall festgestellt”, sagt der finnische Arzt Ukka Mikkonen, der damit rechnet, dass das Hospital etwa ein Jahr betrieben werden muss. Mikkonen weiA?A?, dass die Leute oft Dinge brauchen, mit denen die Helfer gar nicht gerechnet hatten. Denn viele Menschen hier haben verletzte FA?A?A?A?e, weil sie in der Flutwelle ihre Sandalen verloren haben und nun barfuA?A? gehen mA?A?ssen. Neue Schuhe kA?A?nnen sie sich nicht leisten.

In Arugam Bay sind an diesem Tag drei hochrangige Oppositionspolitiker zu Besuch, um sich A?A?ber die HilfsmaA?A?nahmen zu informieren. Karu Jayasuri, Mitglied der Delegation, war einmal Minister und auch zwei Jahre lang Diplomat in Deutschland. Er sagt: “Wir freuen uns A?A?ber jede Hilfe, aber es ist klar, dass wir eine bessere Koordination benA?A?tigen.”

Am Tag darauf berichten die Zeitungen in Colombo, aus England sei ein groA?A?es Flugzeug voll mit Wasserflaschen eingetroffen. Ganz A?A?berraschend.

Die Reporter Frank Nordhausen, Willi Germund und Pablo Castagnola, die in den vergangenen Wochen in SA?A?dasien waren, berichten an diesem Donnerstag ab 18 Uhr in einem Leserforum von ihren Erfahrungen. Das Forum findet im Hause des Berliner Verlags am Alexanderplatz, Karl-Liebknecht-StraA?A?e 29, statt. Der Eintritt ist frei.


“Manche Helfer kommen an, sind drei Tage da, verteilen Medikamente, die niemand braucht, und sind wieder weg.”

Ein deutscher Arzt


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The Ethical Traveler

Jan 15, 2005 – Toy Story (part II)

POTTUVIL, SRI LANKA – To a lot of people, the image of relief agencies in developing countries is the image of giant Toyota Land Cruisers, churning down a dirt road with the windows rolled up and four grim foreign aid workers staring out the windows. That preconception is instantly shattered by Mercy Corps' official vehicles in Arugam Bay: two three-wheeled tuk-tuks, sporting the Mercy Corps bumper sticker and emblazoned with three of Sri Lanka's religious icons: Lord Buddha, Lord Rama, and Mickey Mouse.

Lyn, Harshana and I spend the morning driving from one welfare center to another, trying to find out where our toys and sport kits would be most welcome. At each camp we meet the grama niladari, or group leader, responsible for coordinating each center's supplies. These are always men, supervising a governing committee of men and women. Sometimes the GNs are individuals who were prominent before the tsunami, sometimes not. In one camp, the GN is an older man who displayed great heroism and selflessness during and after the flood.Ethical Traveler - Dispatches from Jeff Greenwald

Our first thought was that we'd deliver a load of toys to the 102 kids at the camp called Savalai. But as well pull up, the children congregating around us are clutching floppy rabbits and German shepherds. The Red Cross passed through just yesterday, emptying a truckload of used stuffed animals.

The GN of Savalai is a 48-year-old fisherman named Miran Lebe. When I first visited this camp last week, Lebe was wild-eyed and raging; I thought he was the village idiot. The fact, Harshana explains, is that he was still in shock.

“We have enough for our children,” declares Lebe. “Give what you have to the other camps.” Before we go, though, he corners Harshana. “We could use some kerosene lanterns,” he whispers, “to keep the wild elephants away.”

We'll keep our toys, but we do want to offer a sports kit, for the older kids. In this respect, we face a dilemma: which kit to deliver? We quickly work out a system. The decision will be made by a committee A?a??a?? of kids. A call goes out through the camp, and about two dozen children, boys and girls age 8-12, are gathered together. Prompted by Harshana, they vote with a show of hands: soccer balls, volleyballs and nets, or cricket sets? We expect soccer (or football, as it's known here) to be the runaway winner, and it is A?a??a?? but there's also a huge demand for the Frisbees. Who knew?

Our second stop is a camp located behind the local mosque, not far from the beach. Our gifts are welcome here, and we hand out stuffed toys and rubber balls in a gleeful but orderly ceremony. Most of the recipients are very young, and there are many babes-in-arms. The baby girls wear beautiful, dangly gold earrings, giving them a look of precocious sophistication. The wisdom of wearing jewelry suddenly seems very clear. Sometimes, the only wealth you can hang on to is what's pierced through your earlobes, and fastened around your neck.

As we prepare to leave, the GN approaches Lyn, and asks for the one item most desperately needed by the camp: cooking kits. As things stand, there are so few pots that ten families must cook their rice in shifts. It's becoming a serious problem, with obvious repercussions. “If we don't eat,” the GN says dryly, “we don't play.”

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When the tsunami receded, one of the few structures left standing A?a??a?? more or less A?a??a?? was a popular hotel called the Siam View. During that first terrible week, after the tsunami, before the first relief shipments arrived, the owner of this place A?a??a?? Fred Miller, who has lived in Sri Lanka nearly 30 years A?a??a?? fed the entire community with provisions from their copious freezers (their generator needed only small repairs to function). Miller is keeping up the practice A?a??a?? providing excellent Sri Lankan curries to the scores of local and foreign relief workers. Soft drinks, ice cold, are included. It's an oasis of Heaven in a vast expanse of hell A?a??a?? and the cost to all comers is zero (though donations are more than welcome). It's a terrific example of how the community has banded together, and a good place to see signs of optimism.

After lunch we leave Arugam Bay and drive north, heading through spectacular wetlands teeming with egrets, eagles, kingfishers and ibis. Oxcarts heave to the side to let us by. Our destination is the large camp called Komari, settled by refugees who came from a devastated village still further north.

We'd heard awful things about Komari A?a??a?? that it was ignored, impoverished, and off the radar of the relief agencies. As we approach, we begin to suspect otherwise. The tents are spacious, and set well apart; there are decent roads into the compound; and the view of the river is spectacular. As we drive in, we see about 100 kids sitting quietly under an open-air tent, watching The Lion King Ethical Traveler - Dispatches from Jeff Greenwaldon television.

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Clearly, there's been an intelligence problem here. This camp seems to have it all; there's fruit punch, hard candies, everything but buttered popcorn. On discussion with the GN, though, the initial reports are confirmed. The generator-operated DVD player is a special treat, provided by an expat Sri Lankan from Australia. Otherwise, the kids have virtually nothing to keep them busy: no toys, no games, no flying discs.

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We have no toys for the nearly 600 children in Komari, but we will give them a sport kit. The word goes out for a children's meeting, and the response is electric. The kids leap up from The Lion King, and form two groups A?a??a?? boys and girls A?a??a?? around us. Harshana takes center stage, and conducts the poll.

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The boys' hands fly up.

“How many for volleyball?” The girls' hands wave.

“And how many for football?” This time, every hand in the group shoots into the air. The choice seems clear A?a??a?? but there are hundreds of kids. Lyn, Harshana and I exchange a look, and shrug.

Ten minutes later, we witness what must be the most satisfying sight one can see in the world of disaster relief. Scores of formerly listless kids are running and shouting in an open field, their football and cricket games in full swing. Some distance away, the Sri Lankan Army's Special Task Force is helping set up the volleyball net.

We leave before the inevitable happens, and the Frisbee ends up on someone's roof.

* * *

We haven't much longer in Arugam Bay; Dwayne and I leave tomorrow, to travel up the country's hard-hit east coast. It's tough to go. There are a hundred stories here A?a??a?? but there are hundreds of stories everywhere in Sri Lanka right now.

Mercy Corps is doing great work in the Pottuvil area A?a??a?? providing generators, helping the fishing community rebuild their boats (and reweave their nets), setting up cash-for-work programs, and distributing sport kits, school supplies, and other items. But they've got enough money, and some of the locals are more concerned about the future than the present. | | generic viagra | | generic cialis online

Before she left Arugam Bay to return to her posting in Darfur, Susan Romanski spoke with one washed-out hotel owner. What he said to her seems strange, but I suspect it's probably true.

“If people really want to help,” the man said, “Tell them not to send us money. Better they should put that money away A?a??a?? and use it to come back here, as tourists, next year.”

* * *

A?A? 2005 by Jeff Greenwald
see the original:

Arugam Bay: Goodwill alive and well after disaster

For years, this bohemian beach town on scenic Arugam Bay was a colorful stamping ground for surfing fanatics, backpackers and pot-smoking Rastafarians in dreadlocks and Bob Marley T-shirts.

They drank at bars alongside local fishermen and rice farmers. About 60 thatch-roofed resorts and eateries such as the Aloha, Hang Loose Hotel and Cool Spot restaurant a?? run mostly by Sri Lankans a?? lined a busy thoroughfare where motorcycles buzzed past ox carts appearing like holdovers from another time.

Goodwill alive and well after disaster

photo taken 25/Dec./ 2004 -The night before. Showing The Bank of Ceylon branch at the Siam View Hotel.


ULLE, SRI lANKA, JANUARY 14 For years, this bohemian beach town on scenic Arugam Bay was a colourful stamping ground for surfing fanatics, backpackers and pot-smoking Rastafarians in dreadlocks and Bob Marley T-shirts.
They drank at bars alongside local fishermen and rice farmers. About 60 thatch-roofed resorts and eateries such as the Aloha, Hang Loose Hotel and Cool Spot restaurant a?? run mostly by Sri Lankans a?? lined a busy thoroughfare where motorcycles buzzed past ox carts appearing like holdovers from another time.

Then the tsunami struck, turning this hip little resort into a rubble-strewn wasteland. More than 1,000 of the villagea??s 6,000 residents are dead along with many tourists. A thousand residents are missing a?? a??a??taken by the sea,a??a?? as the locals say.

Only three hotels remain a?? The Ali, Mermaida??s Village, Deana??s Place and Rustling Palms. The ghostly ruins of the Stardust have been left to sink into the sand. Its owner, a Dane named Peer Goodman, drowned in the water. Amid the adversity that would drive away some less determined entrepreneurs, the few hotel owners whose buildings survived have become the towna??s ambassadors of goodwill.

Places such as the Hideaway, a grand turn-of-the-century house surrounded by several thatched cabanas, have turned themselves into free-of-charge headquarters for foreign doctors and relief workers, journalists and Sri Lankan military men.
At the Siam View Hotel, the French Red Cross has set up a clinic and pharmacy at the site of a former Internet cafe, where each night at the second-floor bar, beers are tapped from warm kegs and relief workers, reporters and others anxiously keep up with the developments of the international relief effort on cable TV.

As the relief workers and physicians arrive from around the globe, those Sri Lankans who have the means to do so a?? natives as well as transplants a?? have made the newcomers feel welcome.

At the Hideaway, which has seen its share of damage, two cabanas and acres of gardens were lost to the rush of water. The waves washed up on the grand front porch, turning the once-secluded resort into beachfront property. Now, electricity is scarce and owner Vernon Tissera can afford to run his generator for only a few hours each day.

But rather than gouge visitors, the Hideaway has thrown away the bill. Three times a day, a local chef working for the Tisseras serves up spicy Sri Lankan delicacies and gourmet meals to people who are little more than strangers.

The hotela??s Toyota Land Cruiser is one of the few remaining privately owned vehicles in this town.

Now the vehicle has become a makeshift taxi, and Tissera, his two sons and grandson ferry relief workers and supplies to and from the beachhead. The Tisseras have enlisted a dozen villagers, homeless and unemployed after the tsunami, to help put the hotel back together. a??a??We need to help people a?? you cana??t be material-minded,a??a?? said Marlene Tissera, Vernona??s wife.

Relief workers say such hospitality makes a difficult job more do-able. a??a??It makes it a pleasure to do this,a??a?? said Mark Stinson, a San Francisco-area doctor working with Relief International who is a guest at the Hideaway.

At the Siam View Hotel, which is playing host to the French Red Cross, agency nurse Jean-Michel Pin likens owner Manfred Netzband-Miller to Mother Teresa. a??a??Without him, wea??d be living in tents, or worse,a??a?? Pin said.

Still, Marlene Tissera has a hard time fathoming how the waves that once drew so many tourists here have transformed the tropical paradise. a??a??Wea??re just shattered, all of us,a??a?? she said. When she talks about the destructive wall of water, Angela Mitchella??s eyes widen. Just before 9 am on December 26, the Hideaway manager recalls, she heard people shouting: a??a??The sea is coming! The sea is coming!a??a?? And the tourists and villagers came too, in droves, fleeing the oncoming wave.

More than 100 stood on the roof of the old hotel. Mitchell, a 54-year-old native, moved the crowd and several vehicles behind the building for more protection. Her plan worked: No one at the Hideaway was killed.

Hotel owners such as Vernon Tissera promise to rebuild both their own land and the town.

Down at the Siam View, owner Netzband-Miller embodies the keep-on-partying spirit of the old Ulle. a?? LAT-

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Full DART team arrives in Ampara

Canada's Disaster Assistance Response Team finally rolled into Ampara, Sri Lanka, on Monday, bringing medical supplies, water-purification equipment and food to survivors of the Dec. 26 tsunami.

  • INDEPTH: Canada's Disaster Assistance Response Team

About 130 members of the military team got off a bus in the stricken village shortly before 8 p.m. local time, four days after leaving CFB Trenton.

Cpl. Warren Reid, from Nfld, buys drinks from a vendor during a break in travel as the DART team deploys in Sri Lanka, Monday. (CP photo)
Cpl. Warren Reid, from Nfld, buys drinks from a vendor during a break in travel as the DART team deploys in Sri Lanka, Monday. (CP photo)

DART's home base during the six-week deployment will be in an old sugar factory in Ampara, about 30 kilometres away from the worst-hit area.An advance team of about 50 members had earlier arrived in the region to begin figuring out what DART's role will be as the region struggles to recover.

  • FROM JAN. 6, 2005: DART departs for Sri Lankan mission

“There are a number of clinics that the local government wants us to help with,” one team member told CBC. “We'll put our doctors right in those clinics.”Small units of the bigger DART team will form satellite teams and travel to towns and villages up to a day's drive from Ampara to set up auxiliary hospitals.

They will offer medical services to people who still haven't had their wounds treated after being tossed around in dirty, debris-choked sea water more than two weeks ago.

DART also has the capacity to produce 200,000 litres of clean water each day.

That will be a welcome commodity in a region where salt water has flooded into fresh water supplies and uncollected bodies of tsunami victims are still being found in rivers.

The soldiers will also offer themselves as sources of labour, to do whatever they can to start rebuilding destroyed structures in the community.

see the original article:

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Tsunami + 8 months

Tsunami + 8 months

Our man in NTU, Raymond, went over to Sri Lanka to check on the progress of post-Tsunami rebuilding efforts. HereA?a??a??s his story, along with some pictures he took A?a??A? – julian

ItA?a??a??s been eight months since the 26th December tsunami disaster and stories from the affected areas have slowed to a trickle. However, when the stories of destruction and suffering stop, does it mean that the worst is over and that life in the affected areas are back to normal?

I was in Sri Lanka from June 28 to July 3 for the first of two school-sponsored study trips to the socialist republic. The goal of the trips is to produce stories on the post-tsunami reconstruction process for various media.

The following is a personal account of what I saw from day four to seven when we were at the east coast of Sri Lanka, which together with the northeast coast, was worst hit by the disaster.

July 1, 2005, Friday
11am, Kattankudy, Batticaloa

We picked up our four interpreters in the morning as the people from where we were heading spoke mainly Tamil. The first affected area we visited was the beach of Kattankudy in Batticaloa. Despite it was more than six months after the disaster, the sight of the destruction still awed me nonetheless. It was a hot day, probably about 38 degrees Celsius, with nary a cloud in the sky. This weather is typical in the East for this time of the year when the dry season starts to set in. The ocean was a lovely light blue, its beauty was an odd backdrop for the expanse of rubble around us A?a??a?? scarred earth, broken roads, flattened buildings. It was hard to imagine the beachfront lined with fishermenA?a??a??s huts, which we were told was the way things were. Now there is just the vastness of sand.

2pm, Navalady, Batticaloa

There was a large crowd gathered here, as though a meeting would be taking place. However, it was a communal lunch where food was being given out to people who had been working to clear the debris in the area under one of those NGO (Non-Government Organization) cash-for-work programmes. The people were paid 300 to 400 Sri Lankan rupees (something like eight Singapore dollars) a day. Going by the standard of living in Colombo where it is only slightly cheaper than Singapore, thatA?a??a??s not a lot to get by.

Lunch was being given as a treat today as it was the last day of the debris-clearing work. Which begs the question: WhereA?a??a??s the money going to come from now?

Half a year later, still, tragedies of losing close family continue. Displays of the bodily scars that remind of the injuries sustained continue. Questions of what the future would bring continue. And here, I heard my first complaint about how the NGOs were misguided in their work, unable to find out who the needy were and unable to distribute aid fairly.

I spoke with a man, Sinacheh Antony, who lost a wife and two children to the waves. He said: A?a??A?Such a disaster should not come again, not only to this country but to the whole world.A?a??A?

When I ran into him again later, we were invited to sit with his family and he treated my friends and I to freshly plucked coconuts. It was great hospitality A?a??a?? they were generous despite their plight. I also got to see his two children who survived A?a??a?? two young daughters, Merina and Medona.

July 2, 2005, Saturday

We reached Arugam Bay late morning. The bay was one of the top ten surfing destinations of the world and a popular tourist destination on the East coast. The first thought that struck me about the place – shirtless Caucasians with surfboards milling about. In the distance, people were frolicking in the waters. The whole place had a holiday feel to it, that is, if you could forget the ubiquitous skeletons of buildings and rubble piles characteristic of the East coast. The good thing though, was that tourists were back. There was even a surfing competition here a few days back, organised by the British Surfing Association.

I visited a German guy, Fred, at his hotel, the Siam View Hotel. Fred had been in Sri Lanka for close to 30 years, and he was angry at the NGOs, calling them a waste of money. Coming from a man who once hosted an NGO it was a startling accusation.


According to Fred, the NGOs have not been consulting with the locals on what the latter need. He recounted an incident where a NGO worker, once took a big detour when he saw Fred coming out of his hotel, just to avoid running into Fred. In a place where getting electricity was a problem, Fred said the NGOs were giving out things like fridges and air conditioners, when what were more urgently needed were power generators. Then there were the temporary shelters that did not take into account the hot local climate. Fred said he had taken the temperature inside one of them A?a??a?? it was 126 degrees Fahrenheit. In degree Celsius, thatA?a??a??s 52. Either way, it reads: Very hot! Fred pointed us to a shelter that had a zinc roof A?a??a?? I gathered it was the metal roof that caused the inside of the shelter to heat up so much.

We saw several types of shelters, each with a different combination of materials like wood, zinc, thatched leaves and clay. All had something in common: They were small A?a??a?? one-room structures that were little more than 4m by 3m in size. ItA?a??a??s a squeeze for any family.

Later, we had our lunch at a restaurant called The Fishing Net. When we were done, we gathered around the restaurant owner, Ajith, as he recounted his experiences to us. Midway through, tears came to his eyes, and he told us that we were the first group to talk with him about what he has been through. There are probably many like him who, besides food and shelter, needs also a listening ear. ItA?a??a??s tough: You canA?a??a??t drop a listening ear in the donation box at McDonaldA?a??a??s, or pack it in a relief supply container to be airlifted there. Perhaps that was one reason why all the people I encountered were so forthcoming with their stories. And why large groups of locals gathered every time we spoke to anyone. Perhaps it was more than the novelty of seeing yellow-skinned oddities. Or perhaps they thought we could help make their lives betterA?a??A?

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Healing waters

'Healing waters

Carolyn Fry finds that surfing is helping one Sri Lankan resort to get back on its feet after the tsunami

Tuesday August 2, 2005

Alan Stokes takes on the surf at Arugam Bay. Photograph: Carolyn Fry

On a sweeping stretch of cinnamon sand, a crowd turned its eyes to the rolling ocean surf. Local families, holiday-makers and a throng of photographers, film-makers and journalists were gathering to see the 2005 Champion of Champions surf contest in Arugam Bay, south-east Sri Lanka.
As a new day's sun burned the sand through the fronds of coconut palms, surfers launched themselves into the water to ride the swell in a ballet of curving turns, speeding glides and twists of spray. The Boxing Day tsunami ripped through this sleepy beachside village, but the Indian Ocean's barrelling waves are helping the community get back on its feet.

The legendary 'right-handers' of Arugam Bay have long attracted travelling wave-riders. During the country's 20-year civil war, a dedicated group of Australian surfers regularly risked being bombed, or shot in cross-fire during violent battles between Tamil Tigers and the army. With the end of the conflict in 2002, more adventurers started to make the 10-hour journey along narrow, pitted roads to the famed beach.

Last year, when the British Professional Surfing Association (BPSA) held the first ever Champions surfing competition in the area it seemed things were finally looking up for this dusty, laid-back cluster of low-rise hotels, palm-roofed cabanas and fishermen's shacks.

A message posted on the Siam View Hotel's website at Christmas said: “The 2004 season has been the best the bay has ever seen. Nothing – not even another civil war – can stop the bay's progress now.”

Hours later, the first of eight waves struck, sucking a metre of sand from the base of palms on Arugam Point, plucking cabanas and their inhabitants from the sand and smashing a thickening cargo of debris through the windows of the buses on the main street.

Simon, owner of the unfortunately named Tsunami Hotel, was managing the Siam View that night. He awoke to find himself underwater with his leg trapped. After breaking his ankle to free himself he was swept through several dwellings by the murky, diesel-tainted current before managing to grasp hold of some building blocks. This stopped Simon being swept out to sea as the water receded back to the horizon. Today, his faded superman tattoo has been supplemented by a fresh turquoise inking of a tsunami, along with the date he survived against all odds.

Following the tsunami, the organisers of the surfing contest were in two minds as to whether it should go ahead this year. A third of Arugam Bay's 3,000 inhabitants had been killed in the disaster, money pledged by charities was slow in reaching the village and the bridge carrying the main road into Arugam Bay had been breached by the waves, cutting the community off for a short period.

However, when the bridge reopened in April the organisers decided the competition should take place. They felt that bringing 100 people into the village would serve as an impetus to get hotels rebuilt as soon as possible as well as injecting much-needed cash into the local economy.

“Everyone worked very, very hard to put it in place,” said Ralph Pereira, managing director of Travel and Tours Anywhere, which developed the contest in conjunction with Sri Lankan Airlines and the BPSA. “We didn't know for sure that it would go ahead or whether there would be sufficient hotel rooms until six weeks beforehand.”

Guesthouse owners had certainly been hurrying to rebuild and reopen rooms damaged by the tsunami. At Hideaway Guesthouse, where I was staying, the front part of the garden was still a building site. But the main building, with its colonial tea plantation feel was homely and clean, with plump pink and orange cushions brightening rattan chairs.

Before the tsunami, surfing had been a mainstay of the tourism economy right around Sri Lanka's southern coastline. The island's south-west has the best waves from November to April, the south-east from May to September.

When Arugam Bay's right-handers tailed off with the onset of the monsoon, surfers simply headed west to Hikkaduwa, where plentiful hotels and beach villas stood among lush gardens of banana and bourganvillia.

Recreating this surfers' paradise in the wake of the tsunami has not been easy; with compensation payments from the government yet to materialise, most tourism enterprises have had to rely on their own funds to rebuild their businesses.

“We lost all our watersports equipment,” explained Thilak Weerasinghe, managing director of Lanka Sportreizen. “I didn't get a cent, but luckily we had built up the business and can afford to rebuild.”

The Travel Foundation and Association of Independent Tour Operators (Aito) are working with the Sri Lankan government, local communities and environmental groups to help people affected by the tsunami regain their livelihoods by developing responsible tourism initiatives.

A number of projects have been earmarked for assistance, including a plan to create a sustainable fishing village. Visitors will see fish being brought to shore and sold, enabling fishermen to benefit from tourism while maintaining their traditional role in society.

Another scheme aims to revegetate land affected by the tsunami, using native plant species. This will include research into using mangroves for coastal protection. Funding for the projects will come from money already pledged by Aito members and donations from customers.

Back in Arugam Bay, there are plans to use money raised by the UK surfing fraternity to build a community surf foundation. Tsunami Surf Relief UK (TSRUK) has so far raised A?A?30,000 through charity auctions and events and has allocated a third of this to building a new surf centre. As well as being a focal point where local surfers can meet, the foundation will help generate cash by offering board hire and surfing lessons to visiting tourists.

“We felt the community would benefit from having a centre offering surf-board hire and perhaps swimming lessons and life-guarding,” explained Phil Williams, national director of Christian Surfers UK and a trustee of TSRUK. “The break at Arugam Point is world famous for its waves and surfers from around the world go specifically to that area. In the three or four years after the ceasefire and before the tsunami, more and more surfers were coming to A-Bay; it was a much more prosperous place than before they came.”

As the surfing contest hotted up there was something of a party atmosphere on the beach. Dozens of coloured flags rippled in the tropical wind along the path to Arugam Point where glassy turquoise waves curled invitingly around the reef.

Judges assessed surfers on their turns, style and risk-taking, while waiting competitors nervously flexed their muscles, waxed their boards and contemplated their chances of winning the A?A?2,000 prize money.

For the Sri Lankan surfers, many of whom lost friends and family in the tsunami, preparing for the contest helped them overcome their fear of the ocean. As each entered the water, the 100 or so villagers seated beneath the palm trees lining the shore cheered and whistled their support.

“The contest has been hugely important for morale after the tsunami,” said Phil Williams. “It's sent out the message that, while Arugam Bay isn't quite yet open for business as usual, it's back on the tourist trail.”

Way to go

Getting there: Sri Lankan Airlines (020-8538 2001), offers 11 flights a week from Heathrow to Colombo. Fares start at A?A?450 return plus taxes

Where to stay: Travel and Tours Anywhere Ltd (0208 8136622) offers surfing holidays to Arugam Bay and Hikkaduwa. A 15-day holiday to Arugam Bay including flights, transfers and B&B accommodation in a guest house costs from A?A?699pp. 14 days in Hikkaduwa costs from A?A?599pp. Hire of boards and surfing lessons can be arranged

When to go: The waves at Arugam Bay are best between May and September during the dry season. During the off-season, Sri Lanka's main surf spot on the south-west coast, Hikkaduwa, has good waves

Further information: Sri Lanka Tourist Board (020-7930 2627),'…..60,00.html

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Oprah Hires Troops for Sri Lanka Search

Oprah Winfrey (search) has hired a group of ex-Marines to search for “Oprah” regular Nate Berkus' (search) friend, Fernando Bengoechea (search), who was swept away in the Dec. 26 tsunami.

According to “Extra,” the team of former Marines will travel to the resort town of Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka, where Berkus and Bengoechea were vacationing when the tsunami (search) hit.

Berkus reportedly met the ex-Marines and gave them details, including Bengoechea's exact location when the tsunami hit.

Harpo Productions, Winfrey's production company, also plans to send a producer to join Berkus in Arugam Bay, according to “Extra” A?a??a?? leading to speculation that Winfrey will feature some aspect of the search and tsunami on an upcoming episode of “Oprah.”

Berkus, a Chicago-based interior designer, has appeared frequently on “Oprah” and has designed interiors for Barneys New York, W Hotels and other high-end establishments.

A Harpo spokeswoman said she couldn't confirm the “Extra” story.

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What we did at AbaY

Arugam Bridge

John Headland, P.E., Principal, Moffatt & Nichol A?a??a?? Sri Lanka COPRI Team Leader

February 3, 2005

Arugam Bridge

Our journey started in Hambantota, the site of the largest reported tsunami height (11 m). The central fishing harbor and the surrounding home areas were severely damaged, and many were killed (about 4,000). We verified water marks that support the 11 m value. Some ancient masonry seawalls were toppled by the wave as was a transmission tower (actually, a floating bus knocked the tower over).

We spoke to a local resident, a 36 year old man. He approached us to thank us for coming to his village to help. We explained that we were here as engineers to understand what happened so that future
disasters could be avoided. The man’s wife and three daughters survived the event. Unfortunately, his parents and his sister’s family (except for one small girl) were all killed. It was a heart-rending story; he asked us to pray for him. Suddenly, our mission seemed insignificant and shallow compared to his suffering. Upon reflection, however, it seems that in our role as civil engineers, we must learn from this tragic experience in order to help in any–albeit small–way. That is our hope. A few moments later, we saw the initial construction of a new inland village of 5,000 homes where residents who used to live near the water will live.

It took us four hours to travel from Hambantota to Arugam Bay, a distance of 170 km, via an inland route, due to the absence of a road along the coast (in the vicinity of Yala [Ruhana] National Park.) The scenery was exquisitely beautiful, with leafy jungles, large mountainous outcrops, rubber and teak trees, and, amazingly, a herd of distant elephants. An advantage of our inland excursion was that we had the opportunity to observe Sri Lankan life unaffected by the tsunami. Accordingly, we saw village fairs, simple farmers’ homes, and more smiling faces. The scenes were a striking contrast to the decimated villages along the coast, and helped us to understanding what had been destroyed.

Lithium borderline personality We arrived in Arugam Bay, the surfer’s paradise of Sri Lanka, in the early afternoon. Conspicuous from a distance was the damaged Arugam bridge. As we observed the bridge, we could see that one of the piers had shifted, the likely result of bed scour from the extreme velocities produced at the bridge as tsunami-elevated waters filled and emptied Arugam Bay. Similarly, the bridge’s southern approach causeway was eroded away, leaving a large gap between fast land and the southern end of the bridge. In the absence of a working bridge, Canadian Marines were taking locals across the coastal tidal inlet in Zodiac boats, which they had been doing for weeks. The small inlet allowed communication of ocean and bay waters. The littoral drift appears to move from north to south and had formed a long spit from the updrift shoreline. As a result, the small inlet was situated directly adjacent to the downdrift shoreline. Efforts had been made to close the inlet with sand so that vehicles could pass to the south along the beach; however, the inlet reopened during high tide.

The Marines told us that a large portion of their efforts focused on water supply. A challenge was that the salt waters of the tsunami had forced much of the lighter, fresh, water from local wells. As a result, they had to pump large amounts of salt water from the wells before fresh water would return and could be used. Of the 500 available wells, only 75 were up and running.

Next, we visited the town of Komari. The damage here was very severe. Unlike other areas that we had visited, this was a relatively narrow barrier island (one could stand in the roadway and see both the ocean and the bay). Furthermore, the tsunami was at least five meters high here. In some locations, there were swaths that extended from ocean to bay. Homes within the swath appear to have been planed off by the tsunami; there were few vestiges. Strangely, only palm trees remained (palms seem to have survived the tsunami throughout Sri Lanka). As is the case for hurricanes in the U.S., barrier island communities are particularly vulnerable to tsunami effects. Both Komari and Arugam Bay are located in the Ampara District in which more citizens perished than in any other district of Sri Lanka (more than 10,000 people).

We drove over several additional bridge/causeway structures (Kormani, Tambiluvil, Sinnamahatluvaran, Kalioda) on our way to Batticaloa, each damaged and repaired to varying degrees. The principle cause of damage was scour of earthen approaches leading to the small bridge spans. In many cases, the more severe erosion was on the bayward side of the causeways. In most cases, the tidal inlet to the ocean was either a very small opening or was already closed to littoral drift.

Just before sunset, we arrived at Kalmunai. Our estimate of watermark elevations suggested that the tsunami here was not as high as at other locations (approximately 5 m). Building density, on the other hand, was extremely high, and can be envisaged as single-family apartments, side by side, one or two stories high. A few roads and alleys separate these apartment homes. As a result, a tremendous number of people fell victim to the tsunami. A general phenomenon observed throughout the country was apparent in Kalmunia: the first few rows of houses were destroyed by the tsunami wave, and acted to dissipate it. Interior houses, as a result, were not as extensively damaged.

Our coastline voyage ended at Batticoloa. Our guides advised us not to visit the area north of Batticoloa, as Tiger rebels (LTTE) in that region would not allow us passage.

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Washington Post

In Sri Lanka, a Frustrating Limbo
Rules Leave Tsunami Survivors Unable to Rebuild Lives

By John Lancaster
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 8, 2005; Page A01

ARUGAM BAY, Sri Lanka — More than two months after the tsunami that killed his wife and two young children, A.L.M. Thaseem rarely leaves his chair. But it is not despair that traps him in his heavily damaged home, listlessly scanning newspapers in the heat. It is simply that he has nothing else to do.

He canA?a??E?t repair his house because of uncertainty surrounding new government rules meant to discourage people from living near the sea. The same goes for the small guesthouse he owned with his two brothers. And the government has yet to fulfill its promises to fix the pair of outrigger canoes that once allowed him to earn a good living as a fisherman — depriving him of income and, perhaps more important, distraction.

A.L.M. Thaseem, who lost his family and boats in the Dec. 26 tsunami, stands in the rubble of his guesthouse. (John Lancaster — The Washington Post)

“Before the tsunami, I was very busy,” said Thaseem, 40, an easygoing man in a plaid sarong and flip-flops. “Now IA?a??E?m very lazy.”

ThaseemA?a??E?s malaise is emblematic of a wider challenge confronting Sri Lanka. While the country is awash in international aid money and supplies, bureaucratic inefficiency and confusion — especially surrounding the new land-use rules — are hindering efforts to rebuild homes and livelihoods that were shattered by the Dec. 26 tsunami, trapping survivors in a limbo of frustration and inactivity.

Aid officials say that until the government clarifies the new rules, which have stirred controversy by favoring hotel owners over traditional coastal residents, they cannot begin rebuilding or reconstructing permanent homes as an essential first step in helping victims put the catastrophe behind them. The tsunami killed about 31,000 people in Sri Lanka, an island nation of about 20 million off the southern tip of India.

The complexities of the reconstruction effort are plainly evident in Arugam Bay, a once-thriving beach community of nearly 4,000 people — most from Sri LankaA?a??E?s Muslim minority — about 135 miles east of Colombo.

Before the tsunami, most people here earned their living from fishing or tourism, which had boomed in the three years since the government signed a cease-fire with rebels from the countryA?a??E?s ethnic Tamil minority. Small hotels and guesthouses sprouted amid palm trees next to the azure waters of Arugam Bay, a playground for bottlenose dolphins and surfers from around the world.

Those days are a memory now. The tsunami killed about 250 people in the area, including 11 foreign visitors. It reduced most tourist businesses to rubble and destroyed or damaged nearly all of the communityA?a??E?s several hundred fishing boats. Aid officials estimate that as many as one-third of Arugam BayA?a??E?s residents are living in refugee camps; many others are staying in tents or temporary shacks erected on the foundations of their former homes.

A Once-Idyllic Lifestyle

Thaseem, the fisherman and guesthouse owner, is in many ways typical of those who lost everything and are trying to restart their lives.

He is a high school graduate and native of Arugam Bay who followed his father into the fishing trade and married a local woman, Camila, with whom he had a daughter and son. He speaks passable English that he learned from the tourists who began visiting the town in the late 1970s, before the civil war.

Thaseem earned a good living as the owner and operator of two 26-foot-long outrigger canoes, called mahadals, which are paddled by eight men and used to catch tuna and other fish with long nylon nets. He also had benefited from the tourist boom. After the cease-fire was signed in early 2002, Thaseem joined his brothers — schoolteachers from the nearby town of Pottuvil — in building the Paradise Sand Beach Hotel, a lavender-painted 10-room guesthouse on family property overlooking the bay. He lived a few hundred yards down the beach in a comfortable brick-and-concrete house equipped with a television set, videocassette player and a new refrigerator.

Thaseem said he doted on his wife and two children. Fatima, 7, was a top student who loved to read books in her native Tamil and amused herself by drawing pictures of mangoes and coconut palms with colored pencils. Mohammed, 4, was rarely without his toy cricket bat and dreamed of becoming a doctor.

On the night before the tsunami, Thaseem joined his family for a jovial meal of fish curry and rice, then bade them a casual goodnight. It was his turn to cook dinner at the hotel, which was filled with Italian guests, and he planned to spend the night at his sisterA?a??E?s house, which was next door.

It was the last time he saw his wife and children alive.

Searching in Vain

Thaseem was at the hotel when the tsunami struck the next morning. Along with his guests, he was able to outrun the waves and find refuge on higher ground. He assumed his wife and children had done the same. They had not.

As Thaseem later pieced together the story from witnesses, Camila had scooped up their small son and fled their home at the first shouted warnings, but the ocean overtook them. Fatima, who had been in Koran class at the local mosque, might have saved herself had she run in the right direction. But instinctively she ran toward home and was swept away by the current. She did not know how to swim.

As soon as the waters receded, Thaseem set off in search of his family. Weeping and crying “Allah, Allah,” he found his wifeA?a??E?s body late that afternoon. She was still clad in her green nightdress. The childrenA?a??E?s bodies were found a few days later.

The tsunami partially collapsed the floor of his house, cracked several walls and swept away most of ThaseemA?a??E?s possessions. It also deprived him of his livelihood, hurling his fishing boats into the jungle and wrecking the guesthouse.

Thaseem was never in danger of succumbing to starvation or disease. Thanks to a flood of international aid, he gets regular deliveries of rice, lentils and flour. Drinking water is available from a nearby tank that is replenished daily. Electricity has been more or less restored. Indian army troops are busy repairing the steel bridge that spans the lagoon separating the town from Pottuvil, with its banks and government offices.

As for his mental state, Thaseem shows no obvious signs of trauma. A cheerful person by nature, he punctuates his conversation with laughter and frequent smiles, and he still seems to take pleasure in the company of friends and members of his extended family, many of whom live nearby.

But sometimes, Thaseem said, his mind fills with images of his lost wife and children, and he cannot stop the tears. As a practicing if not especially strict Muslim, he used to pray at the mosque three or four times a day, he said. Now he can barely muster the energy to go once a week, for midday prayers on Friday.

“Now IA?a??E?m not so good feeling,” he explained. “Maybe when IA?a??E?m getting better I go.”

Web of Red Tape

One obvious impediment to ThaseemA?a??E?s recovery is uncertainty over what the future holds. A big part of that uncertainty stems from the governmentA?a??E?s new land-use rules, which officials say are aimed at preventing deaths in the event of another tsunami. The rules ban most construction within 200 meters, or about 218 yards, of the high-tide line on the east coast — where Thaseem lives — and 100 meters on the west coast.

The regulations make an exception for partially damaged homes as well as for some tourist businesses, which are deemed critical to the economy. But until the policy is clarified, and the government finishes a plan for shifting thousands of coastal residents to higher ground, local officials wonA?a??E?t let Thaseem and his neighbors start rebuilding their homes and businesses. Aid groups are similarly constrained, despite a surfeit of building materials and money that could finance rebuilding right away.

“ItA?a??E?s slowing it down significantly,” said Ian Schneider, the director in Sri Lanka for Oregon-based Mercy Corps. A lot of aid groups, he added, are “running around looking for something to do and having a hard time finding it right now.”

The new rules have also sparked charges that the government is favoring wealthy businessmen over fishermen and other traditional coastal dwellers, many of whom are reluctant to abandon familiar homes and lands, even after living through the terror of the tsunami. Just steps from the rubble of ThaseemA?a??E?s guesthouse, for example, construction workers were racing last month to finish an 18-room beachfront hotel that had been started before the tsunami. One of the main partners in the project is a politically well-connected doctor from Colombo.

“HeA?a??E?s a rich man,” Thaseem said. “Maybe he has another law.”

Government officials say that exceptions for tourist businesses will be made on a case-by-case basis. “We have to give some kind of concessions to the tourism development, otherwise the economy will be affected very badly,” said Thosapala Hewage, secretary of the Ministry of Urban Development and Water Resources, which oversees coastal planning. “You cannot compare a hotel to a house of an ordinary person. . . . We cannot encourage people to settle down in those areas.”

ThaseemA?a??E?s other big challenge is getting back to work. Government officials have not followed through yet on promises to replace or repair fishing boats, as they have in many other parts of Sri Lanka. Thaseem and other fishermen have presented lists of their equipment needs to the government fisheries inspector in Pottuvil, who dutifully sent them off to Colombo. So far the fishermen have heard nothing. “ItA?a??E?s very slow,” acknowledged the fisheries inspector, Ibrahim Udumalebbe. “IA?a??E?m getting worried because the fishermen are helpless now.”

In the absence of government help, Thaseem said, he has presented the same list to at least a half-dozen aid groups, so far without results.

Lyn Robinson, who is working for Mercy Corps in Arugam Bay, said the group was evaluating a request from Thaseem and five other canoe owners for help in repairing their damaged boats and nets. She said the effort had been complicated by a dearth of skilled carpenters and fiberglass experts, but expressed hope that Mercy Corps would soon be able to meet the fishermenA?a??E?s needs, perhaps in collaboration with two Britons visiting the area on a private aid mission.

In the meantime, Thaseem will be waiting in his chair. “My property and my family, everything finished now,” he said matter-of-factly. “I am alone now.”

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