Archive for the 'weddings' Category

And we are back! On Facebook!

Done! Super Happy ARUGAM !

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We managed to resurrect our popular Facebook page “Arugam Surf”.
Which was knocked off the net exactly 2 months ago.

Arugam Surf
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Please join, participate, submit YOUR photos, videos. Let’s make this page even more popular.
Please understand that we had to add additional security features to avoid access to our hacker ‘friends’ in future.


“Best Pub in Sri Lanka” Award goes to Arugam Bay

The Siam View Hotel (SVH) as been voted to be The Best Pub / Bar in Sri Lanka
By the Daily Telegraph, London, UK

Best Pub / Bar Award

The Siam View Hotel is now not only classed as the best Pub / Bar in Sri Lanka, but is now in with a chance of becoming the Best in the World.

continue to read the background of this nomination… Continue reading ‘“Best Pub in Sri Lanka” Award goes to Arugam Bay’


A true Paradise on Earth. Just 10m South of Arugambay

The Panama beach itself was a paradise on earth.

Unspoiled Panama beach

The sand dunes stretching along the beach made us stop our jeep and walk a short distance to the turquoise sea beach which stretched endlessly without a single sign of habitation.
A typical Robinson Crusoe atmosphere.
The pink rocks of Panama stood out at the far end of the beach.
The evening sunlight made them glow pinker.

Panama Point. Looking North to Arugam Bay

Here too were monkeys running up and down.
The beach was covered with exquisite marine plant life. It suddenly dawned on us that this may be one of the only beaches left untouched by civilization and pollution.
We were mindful not to tread on the plants or drive over them in our jeep.

Untouched Panama. A true Paradise

This beach with its abundant plant life must be saved for people to see and admire.
It should not meet the fate of the Nilaveli or Passikudah.

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Badly polluted Passekudah Beach area

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a??We did not inherit the earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children!a??

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Panama Point: 17km South of Arugam Bay

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Also note the fine weather. Photos taken December, 2008
In the “rainy” Season.

Panama PointPanama Point approach Road

Lost: Facebook, Westwing, Arugam Bay and the Internet needs YOUR help!

Arugam: Lost, FaceBook & Eastern Wings
Since the middle of last Century our mission has been to promote our remote little Bay.
More than 10 years ago this Home Page was established for this purpose.
In the early days of the Internet (earlier .com) was the very first Web Site within Sri Lanka.
That was a long, long time before the Government, the Tourist Board or any other establishment had even considered the power of this new media.
Why do wee need YOUR help?
We would love to have “Arugam Bay” mentioned in a new film.
We wish to have Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, the producer of popular West Wing to look at Arugam Bay.

Anyone out there has any Ideas?
How to go about it????
This is the BBC article which drew our attention to Aaron and his plans and work:
Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin has agreed to make a film about the founders of social networking site Facebook.

Sorkin, who Order copegus created US TV drama The West Wing and wrote the Tom Hanks movie Charlie Wilson’s War, has even opened a Facebook account to aid his research.

“I figured a good first step in my preparation would be finding out what Facebook is, so I’ve started this page,” he wrote.

He said the project was a joint venture between Sony and producer Scott Rudin.

Sony has confirmed the as-yet-untitled project is in development.

Relying on fans

Sorkin added he was aware of other pages on Facebook from people who claimed to be him, but had decided it was “flattering more than creepy”.

Aaron Sorkin's Facebook film group
I feel about this introduction the way I felt about Sophie’s Choice – It could have been funnier
Aaron Sorkin

“This is me,” he insisted. “I don’t know how I can prove that but feel free to test me.”The 47-year-old admitted he did not really understand Facebook, or “how I’m going to write the movie”, so was relying on fans to help him.

“I honestly don’t know how this works, which is why I’m here,” Sorkin said.

“If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to answer them as best I can. If anyone has any comments, Cost malegra I’m glad to listen.”

Before signing off, Sorkin joked: “I feel about this introduction the way I felt about Sophie’s Choice – It could have been funnier.”

Since joining Facebook, the writer has been responding to questions and comments from fans, leading to some further revelations about the forthcoming film.

“I have a fairly specific idea of what the first 15 pages of the screenplay will be and no idea what will happen on pages 16 thru 130,” he wrote.

“I have very strong feelings about the internet and its effect on our national culture, but frankly those feelings are being countered by the sophistication, kindness, curiosity and wit of the posts in this site.

“You people are screwing me up with your civility and intelligence.”

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004 while studying at US university Harvard.

In the website’s early days, membership was restricted to US students, but it now has more than 100 million users worldwide.

In response, AbHa has posted the following Comment on Aaron’s Facebook site:
“There is a remote little Bay, situated on the war torn Eastern Site of the tropical Island of Sri Lanka.
Here you find wild Elephants, a small group of “Lost” type characters (incl. Locke, Charlie etc.!!) The Internet as well as Facebook have been the ONLY vehicle which transformed the entire sleepy Community into an emerging world class mini resort.
We strongly feel that the combination of a tropical paradise, the slow recovery from the Tsunami, the wasted donations and totally inefficient NGO activities, (This surfer’s spot was the hardest hit area in the entire Country), the Love & Romance input as well as the Three Shows on the Oprah Whinfrey show will provide ample input and true life ideas of who Facebook and the Internet has influenced the life’s of Natives as well as visitors.
Many of which have now decided to settle at this place:
Arugam Bay.
(The very first Web Site, ever, in Sri Lanka – more than 12 years ago)”

We feel that if we can succeed in having Arugam Bay at least mentioned in this new film, it would give a tremendous boost to our little Bay:
If YOU can help us – You would directly help all of us here in Arugam Bay.
Because a few more guests and a little more income is all we need to recover!

Phil & Monique's Arugambay Surf PhotosPhil & Moniqus Great Arugam Bay Surf shot

Arugam Bay Impressions

Arugam als Erlebnis
Here is an article received from our good friends and strong AbaY supporters in Germany.

Ich mA?A?chte hier die MA?A?glichkeit nutzen, Euch die wunderschA?A?ne OstkA?A?ste ein wenig nA?A?her zu bringen.

Der vom Tourismus weitgehend erschlossene Westen des Landes ist sicher vielen Lesern bekannt, jedoch landschaftlich ebenso anders , wie auch in der Tierwelt.

Man findet endlose , saubere StrA?A?nde, die zum Baden und Surfen einladen.

Begegnungen ? NatA?A?rlich, wenn man denn mag. 😉

Oft sieht man Fischer, die ihre Netze einholen oder diese reparieren.

Kinder von Fischern, die es den Alten nach machen und selbst schon handeln wollen, sind ebenfalls A?A?ber Kontakte erfreut.

Niemand stA?A?rt sich an einem netten Plausch und man ist herzlich willkommen. Nach erledigter Arbeit wird dann gemeinsam der Fang bewundert und eine Zigarette rundet den Tag ab.

Am Strand entlang findet man ungeahnte SehenswA?A?rdigkeiten, Purchase generic valtrex online die oftmals nur den Locals bekannt sind, wie z.B. der Elefantenfelsen oder der Crocodilsrock….

In der HA?A?hle des Crocodilrocks (unteres Bild) lebte z.B. monatelang ein tamilischer FlA?A?chtling auf der Flucht. A?A?ber diese Geschichte schrieb die Autorin Claudia Ackermann das Buch “Der Krokodilfelsen”.

Aber, es gibt nicht nur Strand und Meer………

Eine wundervolle Flora und Fauna begrA?A?sst GA?A?ste mit offnenen Armen und wer sich ein wenig Zeit nimmt, diese Ruhe und den Augenblick zu geniessen, wird es nicht bereuen.

Man kann sich A?A?ber wilde Elefanten, die in Ruhe auf einer Lichtung grasen,

…wilde Pfauen, die teilweise den Wegesrand sA?A?umen und die Ruhe selbst sind……..

…und Begegnungen zu Menschen aller Art freuen.

Mag jemand die Kultur des Landes abseits des Tourismus erleben ? Auch Dieses ist natA?A?rlich machbar und wir selbst waren erstaunt, wie wunderschA?A?n verborgen einige Dinge im Dschungel sind.
Ein Beispiel dafA?A?r ist eine der A?A?ltesten Tempelruinen Asiens in Lahugalla selbst.

Weiter Abseits der StrA?A?nde und der normalen Strassen kann man bei Interesse eine wunderschA?A?ne Felsenformation besuchen, auf dem vor vielen Jahrhunderten eine Tempelanlage geschaffen Amantadine price us wurde. Dort leben heute noch MA?A?nche, die in Meditation und Gebete versunken den Tag in aller Abgeschiedenheit verbringen. Eine EindrA?A?cke sollen Euch untere Bilder davon geben.

Auf folgendem Bild sieht man, wie A?A?ber das Dach oben aus der normalen Felsenformation entstanden ist. Die Unterkunft des MA?A?nches ist somit auch von der Natur vorgegeben.

In diese Gegend verlaufen sich sehr selten Toristen und so war der MA?A?nch doch ein dankbar fA?A?r ein wenig Abwechslung im Alltag und gerne zu einem GesprA?A?ch bereit.

Die eigentliche Tempelanlage jedoch ist so gross, dass man dort Stunden verbringen kA?A?nnte. Wir zogen es vor, den MA?A?nchen ihre Ruhe zu lassen und verabschiedeten uns dankbar.

An dieser Stelle mA?A?chte ich fA?A?r Interessenten auf folgendes Buch hinweisen:

” Wie ein Fremder im Paradies” von Florian Palzinsky. Florian lebte in diesem Tempel lange Zeit als buddhistischer MA?A?nch und seine ErzA?A?hlungen in diesem Buch, seine Erfahrungen mit dem Land Sri Lanka sind wirklich eindrucksvoll.

Aber, man findet entlang der OstkA?A?ste an vielen Stellen diverse Felsformationen, auf denen kleinere Tempel errichtet wurden………

Ich denke, Ihr habt nun zumindest einen kleinen Eindruck von dieser wundervollen Gegend bekommen und mein Beitrag langweilte Euch nicht zu sehr. Es wA?A?rde mich freuen, ein wenig Begeisterung und Neugier in Euch geweckt zu haben und verbleibe mit lieben GrA?A?ssen,


P.S.: Wer Interesse an mehr Infos dazu haben mA?A?chte, kann gerne folgenden Link dazu nutzen.

Sri Lanka a safe destination

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Sri Lanka is one of the safest destinations for tourists and the security situation in the country has been exaggerated overseas by false propaganda, Chairman of the Faith Task Force, UK, Anthony Bailey said in an interview with the Daily News.

Bailey, an advisor to the British Prime Minister, was spending his honeymoon in Sri Lanka and had traveled to the South, Dambulla, Sigiriya and Nuwara Eliya over a period of ten days.

He observed that there was a concerted effort to tarnish the image of the country overseas focusing on the conflict in the North and East.

Bailey who wedded Crown Princess of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, said that now that has seen the reality first hand he will carry the message to other countries that Sri Lanka is a safe destination with a unique scenic beauty. He also noted that the country has a unique spiritual harmony with people from all communities and subscribing to different religious co-existing without any conflict.

Crown Princess of Austria – Franz Ferdinand????

Royal Highness Marie Therese von Hohenberg!!!!


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Great! We have attracted your attention. Above is just our idea of the best shot so far. Well done! This Love & Romance Heading has been more powerful than the usual War and Murder Headlines. What we would like YOU to do now is to enjoy the album. Maybe there is someone amongst you who can help us to enable the wider public to change contents of this site. For example, please help us but voting for the best looking couple of the 2006 season, looking at the photos we and others submit. We are no webmasters or experts, and are learning slowly without much assistance how to adopt the Internet to our location and situation. Please contact if you are able to assist us. How to make things better. We are looking forward to provide a transparent, democratic online voting system. This Competition closes 31st December, 2006. Winners will be announced 1st January, 2007

You can view this gallery by clicking [here]


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During the years we have had quite some lovely weddings at the bay, we have just created an album of photos at our picasa galleries website to store the best shots of those unforgetable moments.

You can view this gallery by clicking [here]

This is your space too, we work on a community basis so if you have some, send your photos at, we will be more than happy to include it within this folder.